i learned on the interwebs that i can use coca-cola to clean the rust off of old bicycle chrome
I have also heard that you can use it to clean out your drains. I have used it before and it works for the most part. I told a friend that I use coke to try and unclog my drain and she freaked out about how it was going to eat away/destroy the pipes. I was thinking... she is worried about the pipes and people drink this stuff? Eep.
Even as I write this, how do I know that what I am saying is correct? How do you know that what you are saying is correct (or anyone else)...? I always always feel foolish with pretty much everything that I say because I believe that everything, especially when it comes to all the issues presented on this website, is completely subjective....and I always wonder...where does this innate sense self assurance comes from? How do I know that any advice that I give, or opinion that I have is remotely relevant to how anyone feels or sees the world in their own way? The best anyone can do... I imagine... is merely take a sympathetic guess, in that respect... yes I agree..
I think that everyone has their own opinions about things and everyone has different beliefs, things are subjective. But that doesn't mean you are right or wrong. I guess in a way everyone is sort of both. It really depends on if the reader agrees with you or not. Sometimes they agree with you and sometimes they don't. I have my beliefs about things and I do things in a way that make sense to me. So when I give advice, I say what i believe to be best/right or whatever. The person may or may not agree with me, but if they don't agree with me it doesn't mean that either of us are wrong, it just means we have different opinions. I think you should try and worry less about what is the right thing to say as is if there is a universally right thing to say or do, and just go with what is in your heart.
The only way you can know if your advice is relevant to how someone feels is to give it. If it isn't, then oh well. You haven't done anything wrong.
Isn't our own reality merely a reflection of what we have learned from our environment?
Yes, absolutely. I feel like there is so much more I could say about this one statement, but I am having trouble finding the words. But... yes, yes it is.
If I tell myself that I will never be popular or attractive, isnt that just a belief from the past that continuously becomes fulfilled? What I mean is... there must be a reason why those beliefs exist in the first place, because everything we believe about ourselves comes from the outside...not the inside... therefore...there must be some truth to it...?
I think that feeling like you will never be popular or attractive might come from somewhere, but it might not come from truth. I don't believe that you are feeling like you aren't attractive or popular because you have learned from your environment that you aren't; that no matter what you have done... that is how the environment has responded to you... I guess? I think it is more that you have low self esteem, so you see the world and take the environment in a more negative light. Then there is the self full filling prophecy thing, where people morph their environment to fit their beliefs about themselves. Like I may feel like I will never be close friends with someone or fit in and that no one cares about me. But whenever someone TRIES to get close to me I push them away. So it is like, what part of truth and what part is my own doing? I am not sure if I am explaining that very well.
Do you know why I think woman arent particularly attracted to me.... at least not long enough to get to the 'boyfriend' stage....? Its because I am skinny, bald, poor, lack of confidence, lack of status and not particularly physically attractive...thats probably mildly insulting... I dont mean any offense by saying that, but here is another example...
Why is it that I have been fired from jobs and rock bands? Is it because I cant do the job or perform like they say? Or is it because I dont have the right look, I dont fit in well with colleagues or culture.... or that the just dont like who I am because I lack that unspoken element that people can relate too..?
Why do people look at me like garbage? Is it people can sense that I have no power and that the way I present myself gives way to their scorn?
I will say what the boyfriend stage has little to do with looks. The boyfriend stage can develop from personality or things can go bad from personality. You can be attracted to someone and then when you get to know them more, you are less attracted to them. Or you can be sort of attracted to someone, get to know them and then absolutely become smitten or whatever and want to date them.
There are A LOT of girls who like bald, skinny guys. There are different tastes for different people. Just because someone doesn't fit the mold of what the majority considers good looking, doesn't mean there aren't hundreds of girls out there who find you attractive.
But I will say that the lack of confidence is a huge turn off. I don't really mean that in a rude way and I am not trying to insult you. I know how it is to have no confidence, I am struggling with it myself. But constantly cutting yourself is not attractive. Being negative and putting yourself down is going to turn off more girls than anything else about how a person looks. Social status and money means very little to some girls as well. You should focus on finding the girls who don't care about how much money you make, because not making much money doesn't make you less of a person, so you shouldn't put yourself out there that way.
I have seen A LOT of unattractive people in the music industry. You do not have to be attractive to be a rockstar. I am not sure why you have been fired from jobs but it might have to do with a lack of confidence in your work? I am not really sure. But it isn't like there is something wrong with you that will never go away and that is why things have been so rough with jobs, dating, and bands.
As far as the scornful looks, they could all be in your head. People have taken my facial expressions wrong very often! I remember once I was meeting a group of a friends friends and I was trying to smile at them, but I was sort of quiet and to myself. Turns out they thought I was a btch because I "was giving them dirty looks". I most definitely was not, but I must have looked that way. Also sometimes when you are quiet, upset, uncomfortable, or thinking about something your face just looks... not nice? Ha, I don't mean to say that you are making an angry face or that you are always looking mean or anything, but it could just be something you aren't aware of. People might be reading you the wrong way so they just don't smile back. Sometimes I have realized when I try and "appear perky/happy" with a small smile on my face and my head held up people are a lot more positively receptive. A small smile to someone just standing there with a blank expression on their face goes a long way, so does looking at them with a blank/maybe sad expression on your face.
But if you continually to tell yourself that you aren't good enough, it will always be that way. It is something that we all need to work on. This whole thing just barely touches the surface of it all. I know it goes deeper and things aren't easy, but I still wanted to comment on a few things.
As far as "being stubborn" I think we are all that way when it comes to this and getting "better". We are trapped in our own way of thinking and it is difficult to get out of it, especially if you are constantly questioning what is right and wrong.
I think I should stop rambling now, people probably drifted off at some point. :
