Are you a party person?


Well-known member
I'm kind of curious.. If you have SA, is it even possible to be a party person/social butterfly? Or has anyone ever had that rare occasion where they were actually invited, went, and it was really awkward? Or invited, but chickened out?
That's like asking me if I'm not a virgin :p.

No, I'm not a party person :D - I have SA!! ;)

Maybe someone with SA is though... you never know :eek:;)


Well-known member
A few months ago I went to a party with my brother. I didn't know I had SP then, I just thought it was shyness. I ended up standing around by myself with these negative thoughts. My brother kept asking me what was wrong and why I was just standing there like a statue. I could not enjoy myself at all.

After that, I started thinking maybe something was wrong with me.


No, not anymore, Its too hard, and I just suck at socializing. I end up looking visibly uncomfortable and just freak everyone else out. I have a birthday dinner I am supposed to head to in a few days with about 30 people. I dont really want to go, but I promised I has disaster written all over it...I can feel it.


Well-known member
No way... Heck just yesterday my neighbor asked me if I wanted to go to a football party and I turned him down. It involved drinking to which I'm not a fan of.

This being SPW though I don't think a lot of people on here are big partyers.


Well-known member
At High School years I was a party person that took part in drinking routs. In university I became close friend with teetotaler so I gave up drinking with people in my age. But I still can have drink with my parents friends and go somewhere. But I mostly like intelligent parties not parties involving heavy drinking and drug use.


Well-known member
not a party person at all. dont dance, dont drink, dont sing. i play pool and some games thats about it.


Well-known member
I've never enjoyed parties. My dislike of parties is completely idependent of my anxiety.


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Not at all. Teenage parties repulseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me. So much so. That being said, I do like to relax and have a drink or two with a few people I feel comfortable with.

The last party I went to was a little earlier in the year. A couple of my friends showed up at my door (also reaaaally bad experience) and asked if I wanted to come to a party that was just down the street from my house. I reluctantly said yes and went over there. I lasted about 10 minutes. Bunch of kids acting like idiots. Nottttt my thing. I barely knew anyone besides the two people I went with. For the life of me I cannot understand teenage parties. Besides the obvious. To congregate with other young people, get drunk and "hook up." Nothing I'm interested in even slightly.


Well-known member
No. A friend invited me for his birthday for next wednesday, and I turned him down. 2 Weeks ago another friend invited me for his birthday on Saturday, I turned him down. So actually what I mean is: No way I'm going to party.


i don't talk to anyone, therefore i can't get invited, and even if i did talk to people they wouldn't invite me, and even if they did invite me i wouldn't go.

I'm Not There

Well-known member
I don't even get invited to parties, never. Even if someone would invite me, I wouldn't go.

A dislike of parties also doesn't necessarily have to do with SA. I know this guy who's incredibly social and has lots of friends, but I don't think he's ever partied in his life.


Well-known member
spent half my teenager years being a party person , then right through my 20s me and my mates going out on the town all the time , i dont miss it not really iv calmed down a awfull lot , so have they , we all just do our own thing these days .....i avoid partys now dunno why ? just not intereseted in going to any partys ......


I am not really a party person but I have to join parties for some important reasons like our company parties. I have almost recovered from my SAD because I have tried to expose myself through it and I am on therapy. It's kinda awkward thing but I have to cope up with it.


Well-known member
i party less then rudolf hess and pee wee herman combined.
went to a couple of parties in the final year of high school though but not enough friends to have big parties.


Well-known member
I hate, Hate, HATE parties. All my life I've hated them and I've tried to explain this to people and it's like I'm speaking Klingon or something. ARGH. I hate them because they are boring, stupid, pointless, and a waste of time. I guess I can see them functioning as some kind of stress relief, but the music sucks, it's usually too loud to talk, and there's nothing really to talk about, anyways. I totally don't get them.

I have to go to them occasionally for work, and so I find some people I know and spend time talking to them. Usually we'll talk about work. I can get by, but it's soooo lame and boring that I'd really rather read a good book, play guitar, or do anything else in the world than be there.


Well-known member
I used to love going to parties and I got invited to them all the time by friends and family. Birthdays, weddings, christenings, etc. I was a party person as a child.

Am I now? Nope. I haven't been invited to a party in a long time by a friend, and as for family occassions, I just go, have the meal and find an excuse to go home or back to wherever we're staying.

It's really strange, because I'd one day like to go clubbing. However, I'm only ever doing that if/when I get another group of friends I'm tight with. People in school have tried to convince me to go clubbing with them, but I suspect it was only to get me drunk and make a fool out of me.


Well-known member
Erm i don't really like parties/house parties sort of stuff, i just find them boring tbh.

But yes i guess i am a clubbing girl, its cos i love to dance tbh. The times that i have gone i havent had any sort of panic attacks, so it makes me more confident. I do like to talk to anyone whos in my way tbh haha
Although I've been laying off going as much as i used to go because i don't want the drinking to make my anxiety worse.


Well-known member
i went to a gradation party (without alcohol). the person having the party was like "we need more people..yes!" so no not a party person. that was a year ago.. :)