Are you a party person?


Well-known member
I went to parties before. It got me a foot inside the door, but a lot of the people who were my "friends" when I was drunk, hardly showed any interest in me when I was sober. The same goes for girls who hit on me in bars, clubs and so on.

I stopped drinking alcohol because I reached a point where I couldn't socialize in large groups without it. When I gave up alcohol, my anxiety finally improved.


not actually Fiona Apple
Haha, the thought of me at a party. It only takes one person to make me go very quiet, and a party would have a lot of them. And party's are 100% socialization, not my idea of a good time. Two instances this year, a small graduation party for me with just family and a eagle scout ceremony with just my troop, went very, very bad for me. Because they were for me everyone kept asking me questions and making the center of attention, things I don't like.

So in short, no, I'm not a party person.


Well-known member
I can honestly say I'm not. But to be honest even if I didn't have SA I probably wouldn't that into parties anyway.
I have parties at home with alcohol, weed and 1 person.

Party animal right?

lol yeah, that's about me without the weed.
Nah, I've done clubbing and parties before. I like the atmosphere, the only thing is my social anxiety makes it hard to enjoy it.
If there's a gathering of alcohol and drugs, I'll probably go.

By the way, this topic reminds me of a great movie.
It's called Boys and Girls Guide To Getting Down. You guys should check it out. It's hilarious because it's true. Apparently youtube has the entire movie available! Watch it if you have time. It will tell you the basics of a good party lol.
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lol yeah, that's about me without the weed.
Nah, I've done clubbing and parties before. I like the atmosphere, the only thing is my social anxiety makes it hard to enjoy it.
If there's a gathering of alcohol and drugs, I'll probably go.

By the way, this topic reminds me of a great movie.
It's called Boys and Girls Guide To Getting Down. You guys should check it out. It's hilarious because it's true. Apparently youtube has the entire movie available! Watch it if you have time. It will tell you the basics of a good party lol.

Well I do enjoy to go out but when the drinks are watered down, the people you go out with EXPECT you to get wasted REALLY quickly and every club you go into you literally can't hear the person next to you when they are shouting down your ear, it kind of puts a downer on the whole going out thing. So yeah staying in, getting high is soooo much more fun, costs less and you can eat WHENEVER you want, instead of waiting in a que the size of a country for a god damn burger.

Oh and I couldn't view the film because apparently the content is blocked in my country :(. But! I will watch it tomorrow after I wake up :D
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Well-known member
I'll never turn down a party if invited, just on the off chance that I might meet someone...

So far, the last three parties I went to went well. The one before was horrible...I was introduced to this girl (who wasn't by any standard attractive) who didn't even pretend to be interested in talking to me. A minute into the monologue I was having, she started texting and uh-huhing me. Great..

And there was a party in which I just sat around listening to people and not really getting involved. It sucked of course, but it wasn't the end of the world.
Nope, I'm proudly the most boring person in the neighborhood.. I assume. :3

I get more pleasure out of organizing and cleaning my room then I get from drinking and/or listening to loud music in a (semi) crowded area. Though, I do listen to music while organizing/cleaning sometimes, but it's not exactly a party. ;P
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petrified eyes

Well-known member
Usually when I go to a party (which is hardly ever, the last one was 3 years ago) I hang around outside or in the basement with the other shy/social phobic people that somehow got talked into coming. So, no, I'm not a party person.


If i'm sober at a party it is always really awkward. But if im drinking things are a lot less intimidating. I know thats a bad thing, but I don't know any other ways to loosen up around people.


Well-known member
Most people won't believe it, but a social phobe can still be a party person. I know it sounds a bit odd, but it's possible. My social anxiety affects me in different ways.


Active member
Nope not at all. I get really quiet in a group even if its with people that I know. It started when I went to a party with one of my close friends. He didn't even introduce me to no one. I'm being a shy person, was afraid to talk to others. So basically I was there just drinking and talking to my friend. After that party, I never went to any other party that my other friends invited me. I don't want to stand around looking like a fool for a couple of hours.


Well-known member
Hmm, I had fun on some parties - depends who you're with and what it's like, what kind of music there is (if any), what kind of other people are there.. what kind of attitude you go there with etc.

I enjoy dancing and good music and singing, not a fan of drinking too much... So I'm not a traditional-type of 'party person' (assumed to drink) but I can have fun anyway! :) Sometimes.. Or I just force myself to go and give myself credit for going, he he.. Some good networking or meaningful conversations can be done even at family parties or such sometimes.. :)