are people intimidated or afraid of you?

run away...... and fast

I highly doubt that anyone is intimidated or afraid of me. People just ignore or avoid me for the most part, but I don't think it's because I scare them off in any way. They're probably just not interested by me more than anything.


Well-known member
a few minutes ago, i asked my co-worker if she found me intimidating

she started laughing


Well-known member
I've been told I always look too serious, not that I try it, but even with that I don't think anyone takes me seriously, even less think I'm intimidating to anyone.


Well-known member
No, most people see me as soft because I'm timid, small, talk like a child and they are surprised by my mannerisms.There have been only a few times where people have been afraid of me and I had the stigma of someone not to mess with for a while. You kick a cat long enough it will turn ferocious, but I am so not a beast and people do pick up on it right away. I can intimidate people in sports/games. I am competitive.


Well-known member
Pretty much the same here. Though I kind of laugh when I'm walking towards someone at night and they immediately cross the street when they see me. But since I'm pretty short (5'6) I'm probably not as intimidating as some taller people.

I'm 5'11 and yea they cross the street from me too.
Last week I went to go do my bus pass, the woman in front of me was so afraid, she was shaking and let me go first. She pretend like she was busy and stayed in her car until I left. It was at 2 in the afternoon in pure daylight, what exactly did she think I was going to do


Well-known member
I guess that is some form of racism though ? I wouldn't judge someone just because they are black..

It's alive and well everywhere unfortunately.

I'm 5'11 and yea they cross the street from me too.
Last week I went to go do my bus pass, the woman in front of me was so afraid, she was shaking and let me go first. She pretend like she was busy and stayed in her car until I left. It was at 2 in the afternoon in pure daylight, what exactly did she think I was going to do

Yep. There are also certain people who refuse to site near me when I'm on public transit. They would rather sit in between two people than sit anywhere near some black guy lol. And then there's the people who lock their car doors or roll up their car windows when I pass by.....whatever, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.
My wife tells me that her girlfriends are sort of put off by me because I don't say much to them. I'm shy. My mother says my younger brothers are intimidated by me because I don't baby them. When I'm in conversation I have the habit of staring people in the eye, I can tell most people fidget and look at the ground when I do that even though i'm only trying to be polite. It is not my intent for peolpe to get intimidated by it.


Well-known member
scared or intimidated maybe a big word, but I can defenitly see im making other people uncomfartable or at unease
If anyone would bother to look beyond my anxiety inside my soul they would realise how untrue this

What a beautiful statement. That would be so gold, those people taking action on the soul beyond Social Anxiety. I think a lot of people should learn to get to know what our mentally disorder means, It's not the person itself wanting to be like this, it's the fear within carrying that you can't just throw away (how bad we wish), we just want happiness, and be BRAVE, just like everyone else ;)

I guess people are intimidated by me, yeah, because some guys they'd never wanna hang out, they told me at school, because i'm so boring, i always avoid everything, like during the breaks, i never sit in the canteen, i'm weird cuz i am way too much in the toilets, i'm always in the park which probably will make me look like a total creep.

Oh and about intimidating , another part of my behaviour, tells people to back off, when i'm negative or upset, just depends on my mood , for e.g if i have a stomach ache, i want people to get as far as possible away from me, cuz i can't stand it to be able to do stuff then, and it's the same for bothering thoughts when i'm low. though sometimes when i'm upset i could really use a hug, or when i'm negative i'm even open to people helping me or cheering me up. So, it just depends, I don't know, brains are weird.

I used to hang out with one person at school, which is called a junkie, so they thought I was a stoney-loney, which i'm totally not. I'm not a junk AT ALL, and he never wanted to study, he was too lazy what he mentioned all the time and didn't give a .... just wanted to party in life and drink and smoke whatever. While I'm fighting hard, they must seen that, but still they thought i was weird by hanging around with him, because I should know better. While I just give all people a chance , if they want to talk to me, i like it, because it's all a matter of getting me stronger in social situations and it's good to get to know someone, maybe a friend, or just a person to talk to, it's always nice to have someone around.

Now he quit education there, because ofc, of is lazy attitude, and well, i don't have anyone to hang around with, sometimes an african dude walks to me and says hi, and he's really nice, and friendly. though they also judge me on that. while I think he's completely fine and nice. We once walked in the park together, so that was nice, though i mostly go by myself, and the rest of the class is not really caring, all those macho dudes, ya know.

Those are just the macho's and they keep on saying those bastard things and they just don't like me for who i am, well for my social anxious behaviour even more, they think i'm boring. Which hurts! :mad: But whatever, F*ck them I'm not boring, i am very myself at home and with people i trust , because when i'm totally myself, i can talk like a waterfall!!! so they don't have a clue, i'm just quiet with ''strangers, people whom i dont trust and new situations''

so back off you silly freaks at school :mad:

And well, talking about being afraid of me, well I never heard that one before, I mean, I come around as a ''too decent and friendly person'' , and ''always making homework on time'' and ''always saying yes, or being kind saying no'' and a lot of people told me in my life ''She won't even hurt a fly!''

So, I guess nobody really is afraid I'll become a big bear, or something.;)
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Well-known member
I believe this is the case with me and part of the reason I had all these girl problems throughout the years. The story of my life.
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I feel this way not only do I avoid people but they seem to in turn avoid me as well. People that do talk to me..and aren't intimidated by my S.P. seem to be very outgoing, curious and genuinely like people. my one friend at work is not put off at all by my shyness..doesn't matter how I seem he talks to me anyway, and this has helped me to open up to him..because I see I don't scare him. But those people seem very rare unfortunately.

Aw Id love to talk to you
Sometimes, yes, because I don't talk very much. Some people start filling in the blanks in their minds and start thinking negatively of me. They assume that I'm crabby or stuck up because I'm not talking, but it's because I'm anxious. It seems like people look down on me before I even think anything about them. I only start thinking things when I know they are judging me because I'm quiet. Then, I start seeing them as judgmental, and it becomes that much harder for me to interact with them.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Oh, aye. Very much so. And I don't blame anybody for being scared of me. Because I look quite intimidating - especially when I'm not smiling - what with the piercings, the beard n' all.


Well-known member
I think it's the other way around (as in I feel intimidated by people). I think people just tend to avoid me because of my awkwardness.
people say i look like a pyschopath and that i look like i should be on a crimestoppers advert.
Im quite tall and have quite wide shoulders and my face really does look like a murderers.
Ironically people have said im a really nice guy on quite a few occasions , so it really is a funny world :(.
Atleast people dont be mean too me anymore :p , havent had anyone being mean on the street too me in 3 years!


Well-known member
I feel people are uncomfortable around me since i'm not a great conversationist in rl they feel awkward. You seem like approachable person judging from your pic tho.