I wish I could comment on everyone's animals individually, but it would take forever lol. Everyone's animals are
adorable !!
Here is my oldest, Tasia, before his death in August of 2007. He would have turned 9 years old on June 5. He was very skittish & a lot like me lol, in some ways. He was also very loving & I miss him dearly:
This is my second oldest (& now the oldest living in my house, since Tasia died), Sammy. She'll be 8 years on April 24, & she was the only girl until recently. She's very sweet, but she rarely lets me pick her up

. I call her "Baby." She loves to pose for the camera lol:
This is my little mutant being, Timothy. He's crazy & huge & I love him. He's a giant, boisterous, baby. He was the kitten of the family until a few months ago & even though he'll be 6 years on May 12, he still acts like a kitten:
This is my little kitten, Ivy. She's a crazy lunatic lol, in some ways, worse than Timothy. We've only had her since late September & she's probably about 6 or 7 months. I don't know for sure, because she was a stray:
This is the most recent picture I have of her, & the clearest, even though I'm in the picture, too.