Animal Friends!


Well-known member
These are my puppies...




Well-known member
Theyre both gorgeous!! What kinna dog is Pandar? He looks like a coyote/hyena?

They are both mutts, so we really have no idea what they are. But when I got Pandar, we were told his mum was a husky. He looked like a chocolate lab when we first got him though...



my moms taking my cat in to the vet in about 10min to be put down....shes so sick.....Im already balling like a baby (which in fact puts me into high anxiety/panic attack status)....I cant even go with her cuz Ill just freak out and panic there! stupid emotions and body!

so Im distracting myself with the comp now :(

this is one of my fave pics of her/I....she always loved to give me lil head bunts!

my moms taking my cat in to the vet in about 10min to be put down....shes so sick.....Im already balling like a baby (which in fact puts me into high anxiety/panic attack status)....I cant even go with her cuz Ill just freak out and panic there! stupid emotions and body!

so Im distracting myself with the comp now :(

this is one of my fave pics of her/I....she always loved to give me lil head bunts!


Awww man, thats heartbreaking! :(
One thing i dread about having a pet... losing them.. Was inconsolable when my rabbit died!


Well-known member
Aw, sorry that’s horrible. Pets can seem like your only friend in the world at times::(:
LOL that is adorable. Veggibasket, you rock!

Wow, veggiebasket, that's cool! :)

haha, thanks guys! :)

And Kustamogen, I am terribly and absolutely sorry to hear about you cat... it really is hard to lose such a loving and loyal creature friend. I was a complete wreck when my cat died about 5 years ago, but I had to go to the vet with my mom when she was put down, I had to say goodbye to her. I have never cried that hard in my life, nor have I since then.
If it's any consolation, it does get better with time. Just remember the good times, and give all your other pets extra hugs!
My cat is a dork.

This is her favorite position to sleep in:


Here she is playing/drinking the water in the sink:



lol awwww kittehs drinking outta the tap.....awwww thats what all my cats do (the one that passed away taught the other two)