Animal Friends!

All of my cats have been rescued...Either they have just shown up at our house, or we found them while on hikes in the woods.

This is Cooper, our newest cat. We found her as a tiny, drastically malnourished kitten in the woods, and she has never grown to quite full size. The first night we had her, she slept all night curled up under my chin. She is probably the cutest cat ever...

This is Feebee, our borderline retarded cat. But this is why we love her oh so much. Her back legs are kind of deformed, so she has issues jumping sometimes, which provides endless laughs. She's my little fluff muffin...

This is Max, and he is too cool for school. He is super aloof and never meows ever. But on the rare occasion when he does, it's this tiny little squeak which is hilarious coming out of him. He is super tough and fights raccoons and stuff, and he has the battle wounds to prove it.

And this is Kitten. She was a really wild cat that kept coming to our house in the winter several years ago, so we fed her because she was clearly starving. We just referred to her then as "kitten", so when we decided to keep her the name just stuck. She has the cat form of SA, she's terrified of anyone outside of our family, and whenever the doorbell rings, she runs as quickly as possible to the basement and doesn't come back until they leave. However, once she warms up to someone, she is the snuggliest cat ever.

We've also had two other cats who have since passed away. I still miss them like crazy...I do not handle a pet death very well.

The spider would give me the creeps ::eek:: but the cats are gorgeous!:)

Do they ever try and attack the spider?:eek:
Nope, I don't think they even know it exists. lol

Everyone's animals are adorable!!!!! :D

veggiebasket, that first pic is cool!


Well-known member
omg your cats are soo cute veggiebasket. the third one max looks like my cat :) your little sa kitty is adorable

and kustamogen i really like that last picture of your cat


****ty news is that cat (Precious) is super sick....shes been going downhill the last couple weeks....but vet doesnt think she has long left :(.....we rescued her from the pound about 10yrs ago....*sigh* .....its so horrible when pets die.....I hope she somehow pulls through but its unlikely
****ty news is that cat (Precious) is super sick....shes been going downhill the last couple weeks....but vet doesnt think she has long left :(.....we rescued her from the pound about 10yrs ago....*sigh* .....its so horrible when pets die.....I hope she somehow pulls through but its unlikely

Oh that's so sad. :( I hope she makes it. :(

The bathtub is Hazel's FAVORITE place. She actually jumps in while the shower is running!
This isn't exactly my pet, but it's definitely an animal friend!:)

My brother and I trained this squirrel to eat out of our hands...we really do have a lot of spare time to kill...

