

Well-known member
What's more likely? They've found similar Earth-type planets, but no Gates to Heaven yet. ;)

I couldn't agree more. And the fact that you posted a Carl Sagan video previously, makes me more inclined to molest you.

But yes, hi. Aliens. I think their existence is probable.
it's probably already been said on here but it's almost a fact at this point that there is microscopic life in the oceans of Europa. Of course there are other forms of life out in the multiverse - we only know a teeny tiny bit about the universe we live in, the odds are too great that there is not life elsewhere.
Yes, absolutley, it would be crazy too think we are the only ones in the universe.
And also I saw a UFO back in 2002, my then boyfriend saw it was very strange


Well-known member
It's crazy to think something else isn't out there so I do think there are aliens, have they really been here? who knows, I do know that the universe is huge and we are not the only ones living in the whole universe. I feel like an alien sometimes though lol
Those were brilliant, haha. Thanks for sharing!

You’re welcome :) – I’ve been listening to the MP3’s on my iphone non-stop, I think they are great. I’m planning on buying the ‘Cosmos’ DVD’s at some point as well, because I like how Carl Sagan talks about the universe - you can see in his eyes that he finds the universe beautiful without a divine hand needed. I’m really starting to get back into Astronomy; had childhood ambition to be an Astronomer.

Check out their website Symphony of Science they have two other videos.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
my relative believes in a sort of angel/alien hybrid beings. he calls them ethreal beings, except that hes got a strong southern accent so really it sounds like "ethreal beans"
he talks about them constantly


Banned | Gliese 581d | National Science Week 2009

I have recurring dreams every now and then where I see aliens and feel paralyzed with fear yet awake. It's most likely not from getting abducted but who knows! I like to think it's my family visiting me :)

That website is from a project that sent messages to a planet in a solar system that is likely to harbor life, orbiting a Red Dwarf star. It's 20 light years away in the Libra constellation and the messages will arrive in 20 years. If there's a response it would take 20 years to reach back to us.
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this wee planet that we call earth, sais stuff like, its impossible to live on the sun!!!
how do we know that?? i mean its imposible for a human to live on the sun! we all know that! right!
we cant get near the sun (cause its too ****in hot) but what if these living things on the sun, are beyond the sunrays! like inside the sun
if it wasnt for triple glazing windows! we would never of seen those things at the bottom of the ocean!! im sure youve seen them on tv! there was a thing with a horn on its head, and it kept going up and down, like it was directing it self, in the right direction. i seen it on THE BLUE PLANET!
there was a dinasoar type thing aswell, and it floated around at the bottom of the specific or somewhere! if you dont belive me. look it up


this wee planet that we call earth, sais stuff like, its impossible to live on the sun!!!
how do we know that?? i mean its imposible for a human to live on the sun! we all know that! right!
we cant get near the sun (cause its too ****in hot) but what if these living things on the sun, are beyond the sunrays! like inside the sun
if it wasnt for triple glazing windows! we would never of seen those things at the bottom of the ocean!! im sure youve seen them on tv! there was a thing with a horn on its head, and it kept going up and down, like it was directing it self, in the right direction. i seen it on THE BLUE PLANET!
there was a dinasoar type thing aswell, and it floated around at the bottom of the specific or somewhere! if you dont belive me. look it up

Inside the sun? You mean the core? I'd love to see an organism that can survive at 13,600,000 degrees Kelvin lol


Well-known member
To whoever gave me negative reps: I do not deny the possibility of aliens, I do not recall ever saying this. I just don't think they are out there. I do not know for a fact, and I do not really care.

I HATE anonymous rep systems...if you have something to say, say it and own up to it.....
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
To whoever gave me negative reps: I do not deny the possibility of aliens, I do not recall ever saying this. I just don't think they are out there. I do not know for a fact, and I do not really care.

I HATE anonymous rep systems...if you have something to say, say it and own up to it.....
I didn't think the rep system was even used on this forum. Everyone has a single green dot and the title 'on a distinguished road' as far as I can tell.


Well-known member
I didn't think the rep system was even used on this forum. Everyone has a single green dot and the title 'on a distinguished road' as far as I can tell.

Most sites call it rep, I was on one forum that called it karma. Whatever it's called, it's the same concept. :) I have two greys, a green, and a red.
You’re welcome :) – I’ve been listening to the MP3’s on my iphone non-stop, I think they are great. I’m planning on buying the ‘Cosmos’ DVD’s at some point as well, because I like how Carl Sagan talks about the universe - you can see in his eyes that he finds the universe beautiful without a divine hand needed. I’m really starting to get back into Astronomy; had childhood ambition to be an Astronomer.

Check out their website Symphony of Science they have two other videos.

I also am thinking of getting 'Cosmos', I agree with you on how much you can tell Carl Sagan loves what he talks about.


Well-known member
I agree with Emily G. The number of things needed to come together in a particular way for life is enormous. If ice were not the only element lighter as a solid than as a liquid, life would be impossible (also the Titanic would not have sunk). If there were slightly more oxygen in the air, then every fire would turn into a raging inferno. If slightly less, fire could not exist. If there were no gravity, everything would float off into space, but if it were more powerful then everything would be crushed. If the large planets were not in the outer solar system they would not deflect or absorb comets etc and the Earth would be struck more often. The list is endless.