

Well-known member
i think if you built a craft capable of traveling millions of light years into space , in 400 years time the universe would come to an end , there in front of you would be a door ... you open the door only to find :eek: the spw mods all clicking like mad on there computers :eek::eek::eek:


Well-known member
its only a matter of time before astronomers detect a earth like planet we are pretty close put the planets are still a little bit bigger than earth we also would be able to detect the signatures of life in the atmosphere that would be pretty exciting! if only we had a warp drive or hyperdrive so we can travel faster than light then we could see for ourselves
do you mean just intelligent life? because there is a good chance single celled organisms are very common europa a moon of jupiter has a very good chance of having bacteria its got a warm liquid ocean under ice

I'd like to reconsider the question ::p: If we are alone in this galaxy, and the universe is between 13 – 14 billion years old, and could continue to expand for trillions of years, then the question shoudn't be - Is there life out there? - it should be - What life has come and gone before us, what life is to come, and what life there is now?
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Well-known member
theres a davidburke and banvard war going on here ::p: both have interests in this :)
theres a davidburke and banvard war going on here ::p: both have interests in this :)

Ha, I have no disagreement with David, I was just musing that question about how we define life, seeing if he agreed or not. If there was a war, he would win, because he studies it at university, if I’m not mistaken. :)


Well-known member
theres a davidburke and banvard war going on here ::p: both have interests in this :)
Ha, I have no disagreement with David, I was just musing that question about how we define life, seeing if he agreed or not. If there was a war, he would win, because he studies it at university, if I’m not mistaken. :)

yes i appreciate when someone corrects me if i'm wrong or makes a friendly augment it shows they are interested and genuinely thinking about i don't get offended. i know your joking though mrb::p:
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Nah, I don't think so. I've seen too many vidoes about all the conditions that need to come together to make a planet able to have life on it, it's like one in a billion-trillion or something crazy like that.

Our understanding of the conditions that are needed is little. We base our understanding off what life on our planet took and how hard that would be to make. But there is many possibilities, we have found that life can survive in some very harsh conditions, and in places that we never thought. There is the possibility that life itself would be made of different molecules then us. Our way to life, doesn't mean it is the only way.


Well-known member
There really is. Me and my dad saw 2 UFO's, years ago. It's even rumoured that Obama is due to disclose extraterrestrial presence very soon. :-|


Well-known member
There really is. Me and my dad saw 2 UFO's, years ago. It's even rumoured that Obama is due to disclose extraterrestrial presence very soon. :-|

we are not taking about ufo crap seeing i light in the sky that you don't know what it is and suddenly saying its and alien ship::p: cum on this is a serious conversation about life in the universe. i would be pretty amazed at seeing the iss going across the sky if i didn't know it but that doesn't make it an alien ship
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The UFO conspiracy is a big money maker – most of these so-called UFO researchers feed off unsupported evidence, and gullible people. I heard about this Obama thing, but that was supposed to have happened in November, but it didn’t, so then they said December, and it didn’t. Now they will give another date, to get your interest rolling, and there bank accounts booming.


Well-known member
ok enough of this , i was abducted by aliens years ago they did horrible experiments on me , wont tell you all the details but some were quite painfull , i escaped .. i was picked up by the american army in a forest somewere ... and made to keep quite about it or they said they would put me in a mental hospital :eek: needless to say i kept it quiet ....... untill now ... so now you all know the truth :cool: there out there ..