A question for virgins ?


Well-known member
I thought I would ask a Question about Virgins because I one too. Do you ever feel bad or hate it when someone who had lots of sex complain about not having sex for entry week or month? One your just setting their who never had sex your entire life. Does it make you feel left out ?


Well-known member
I don't get annoyed at people who complain about not having sex in what they call 'a while' because it always seems fake, like they feel they have to broadcast that a week or so is a long period of time for them.
However I do feel pressured to be having sex 24/7 and I feel virginity is a quality men dont look for in a woman anymore.
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I think anyone, regardless of whether you're virgin or not, should keep those kind of specific complaints to themselves. It's an awkward topic no matter in what crowd it is brought up.

I admit that once you've had sex the desire for it increases a lot, and especially when it was a one time rarity (like it was with me) it can become very frustrating because there's no reliable source to fill that particular need, but that's not an excuse to start complaining about it and bothering others with it. Especially not after mere days or weeks. That's just rude.


Well-known member
i feel left out because people assign such meaning in sex like it's part of their psyche,"he/she is a homosexual" becomes something close to "he/she is from another planet",sex is so closely tied to who you are as a person it's insane,i've been bitchslapped before because i'm a 23 year old virgin(ofcourse i'm also asexual)but that doesn't make a difference to them.you MUST love sex,you must talk about it,you must have a boyfriend.i always get the "Yoko syndrome",whenever a close friend of mine in the years found a partner,i felt like that's it,they are leaving,our friendship is over.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
I find myself to be mute when I need to talk to anyone, let alone the opposite sex.. I tried to overcome this barrier in school with writing it down.. Always got rejected.. Never really cared too much about sex.. If it happens it happens.. If not, oh well.. I have dealt with not having it fairly well thus far in life (22 years)..


Well-known member
I don't feel left out, but it does make me look down on them more because they're basically displaying themselves as objects of desire (you are people, act decent ok it doesn't mean you're all that if you f**k a lot of people it means you're a hoe). and also because that's private stuff that should only be kept between them and their lover(s) (i honestly don't wanna hear how you havent gotten laid in a whole week or how good you are in bed mmmk.)


Well-known member

It would be nice to hear somebody complain to me general, much less somebody who is actually cool enough to get laid.
I have a friend who is 30 and still a virgin, says he is waiting for the right girl. I am proud of his decision and a part of me wishes I had waited until I found the right girl but I didn't find her until like 5 years later and now there's no going back. As far as people complaining/bragging, I don't like that. It's none of my business and furthermore I simply don't care. It's just an awkward subject all the way around.


Super Moderator
I think anyone, regardless of whether you're virgin or not, should keep those kind of specific complaints to themselves. It's an awkward topic no matter in what crowd it is brought up.


If anyone came to me complaining about that, I would tell them to shut up and quit making public something that is supposed to be PRIVATE :1 Plus, I don't care about that topic at all...


Well-known member
Yes it is bothering me alot. I feel like i should go for someone cute and younger with SA so i can at least fit in with them. but it bothers me alot and the total Sa thing is tearing me up inside


Well-known member
It doesn't really bother me.
But it puts my eyes in danger of rolling right out of my ****ing head.heh

They say "I Haven't gotten laid in 3 months"
Like it's some sort of huge tragedy.

There's children going without food or shelter.
Sick people going without proper medical attention.

But your three months without sex is a real shame.

Sup Phyl

Active member
I don't really care about sex. But the amount other people seem to care about it makes me feel like there is something wrong with me, and in that sense I do feel left out. Maybe there's something wrong with them rather than us? All I know is that it is for us to decide as individuals, and not let other people choose what we should believe and therefore how we should live.


Well-known member
"I didn't meet my usual quota of sex 35 times a week. I only managed 32 times this week. My life is a failure. I suck epicly. BRB; going to wallow in self-pity."


Well-known member
It doesn't impress me and I really don't care about someone else's sex life. Though it does make me feel like there's something wrong with me.


Well-known member
I thought I would ask a Question about Virgins because I one too. Do you ever feel bad or hate it when someone who had lots of sex complain about not having sex for entry week or month? One your just setting their who never had sex your entire life. Does it make you feel left out ?

Not really. I just see them as being weak. Women who cannot keep their thunder thighs closed and men who cannot keep their ding dong in their pants. These people who have sex with several people make me sick to be honest. Hope I did not offend anyone.
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Well-known member
Women who cannot keep their thunder thighs closed and men who cannot keep their ding dong in their pants. These people who have sex with several people make me sick to be honest.
That's a bit harsh. I think people should be able to have sex as little or as often as they want, as long as it's not hurting anyone.


Well-known member
That's a bit harsh. I think people should be able to have sex as little or as often as they want, as long as it's not hurting anyone.

I think people can have sex with as many people as they like. I'm not going to tell people what to do with their personal life. However, a person that sleeps with random people makes me sick for some reason. I just can't help but feel sick, especially if they are complete strangers. Probably hygiene issues I take serious issue with.


That's a bit harsh. I think people should be able to have sex as little or as often as they want, as long as it's not hurting anyone.

That is my school of thought too.
I am pretty liberal minded when it comes to sex. I only have two rules - It has to be consensual and it has to be honest - everyone should know where they stand..

aside from that - get as freaky and as bizarre as you want. Go hard with as many people as you want and then some.