Hi psych
I assume your rarely exposed to different views taking into account your reaction.
You are wrong about that.
Not disturbed at all. I find it disgusting for people to sleep with several people. The feeling to have sex does not disturb me. If for example a man were to have sex with a women every three or four days, it shows lack of control of their desires on their part. I doubt these type of people can take any form of relationship seriously and from experience...I'm usually right.
What does the number of times they have sex a week have to do with anything? If they are consenting adults, a couple... & Your post lays down an awful lot of judgement without definiting the nature of the relationship to begin with....
Perhaps they don't have sex for a month because they are dealing with a death or illness in the family? Then, once some time has passed they have sex ten times a week for a few weeks?
It's an intimate relationship of consenting adults. Why are thee any judgements cast about in this situation at all?
However, I am disturbed when people take advantage over prostitutes, regardless of their gender.
Who is taking advantage of whom. Not every prostitute is some waif..? Not every john is a predator... Perhaps just a horny fool... Worse, a horny fool with friends cheering him on...
One member believes prostitution is equivalent to a job. I find this thinking disturbing too. An individual performing a job is protected under employment legislations and health & safety guidelines.
At the Chicken Ranch in Nevada, they are... Many other places globally as well. Just because someone isn't fortunate enough, or perhaps intelligent enough to not have sanction from a government doesn't make them bad people.
A prostitute has no protection from my understanding. Unlike a job, a prostitute does not require permanent address, does not pay taxes, is not entitled to a pension scheme and so on.
Depends on the pimp, or her own resourcefulness.
A distinction must be made between prostitutes and people who work for a business that offer sexual services to clients.
Oh, I see, now we're making distinctions. Again, just because something is sanctioned by a government, doesn't necessarily make it better.
It's what I believe is right. Feel free to disagree. We all have our own set of morals. Least we can do is respectfully disagree and tolerate different opinions, no matter how offensive they are.
I do. I expected nothing less. I'm not offended by you. I can totally agree to disagree.
The mainstream media is full of garbage. I do not take much notice of it to be honest.
There is plenty of media that is not mainstream that many members of this board partake in, that is not garbage, & that deal, or have dealt with such subject matter...
You do care, otherwise you would not have posted your emotional comment.
Because I know that folks that exist in this space, that feel differently than that will wander my way. Also, that others, that can get over our differences will also wander my way, this is something that will truly come to pass.