A Place to Introduce Yourself


Well-known member
Hi! It took me a while to admit that I have a SA. I never felt good in groups of 3 people or more, that I know well. Can't dance in public can't sing... I can go to club, but i would just sit a drink... Even if girl looks at me and smiles and give all the signals, I can't ask her to dance or even talk. I just feel uncomfortable and hate my self about it. I have somewhat dangerous occupation; for me it's easier to jump out of airplane then talk to a random girl. I guess it's still makes me a coward.

So, Shiny Shadow, are you in the army? My recent Ex boyfriend was in the army.

I feel your pain, OMA, I've been shy, socially awkward, and everything for as long as I can remember.

Hey, I'll be your guys friends, I could use some as well, so. lol


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

This may be a long post but here goes! I’m 22 from Sydney, Australia. I’m very much introverted and have been shy my entire life. In earlier years I didn’t really view it so much as a problem and thought I’d grow out of my shyness but if anything it has gotten worse and I suspect it has tipped over to SAD.

This whole time I’ve always felt so alone; as though nobody else in the entire world could possibly understand or comprehend what it is like- being shy, lonely, depressed, with low self-esteem and low self-confidence all at the same time. I’m constantly self-conscious and over-analytical, always interpret events in a negative way and to add to it all I’m a perfectionist. All of my problems feed off each other and it is a vicious cycle which has left me feeling helpless and pathetic. It’s like I’m trapped and I can’t imagine things ever changing.

I want so badly to improve for the better yet I was apprehensive about something as simple as joining SPW! I discovered this forum a few weeks ago and have been tossing up whether to join. Reading through the various posts here has really made me realise there are others out there who are in a similar situation to me.

I am glad to finally find a place where I feel there are people who understand and won’t judge me negatively for being the way I am. By the sounds of it you are a friendly bunch here and I’m looking forward to learning from you all and sharing my thoughts and experiences :)


Well-known member
Hey totoro, you're right, we're a friendly bunch here:)! We're all here to help each other out in our struggles with SA in our lives! We don't bite..... well, you know, except for me, but only a little bit::p:! I promise not to leave any (visible) bite marks;)! Hope you enjoy it here!


Well-known member
Hi everyone,

This may be a long post but here goes! I’m 22 from Sydney, Australia. I’m very much introverted and have been shy my entire life. In earlier years I didn’t really view it so much as a problem and thought I’d grow out of my shyness but if anything it has gotten worse and I suspect it has tipped over to SAD.

This whole time I’ve always felt so alone; as though nobody else in the entire world could possibly understand or comprehend what it is like- being shy, lonely, depressed, with low self-esteem and low self-confidence all at the same time. I’m constantly self-conscious and over-analytical, always interpret events in a negative way and to add to it all I’m a perfectionist. All of my problems feed off each other and it is a vicious cycle which has left me feeling helpless and pathetic. It’s like I’m trapped and I can’t imagine things ever changing.

I want so badly to improve for the better yet I was apprehensive about something as simple as joining SPW! I discovered this forum a few weeks ago and have been tossing up whether to join. Reading through the various posts here has really made me realise there are others out there who are in a similar situation to me.

I am glad to finally find a place where I feel there are people who understand and won’t judge me negatively for being the way I am. By the sounds of it you are a friendly bunch here and I’m looking forward to learning from you all and sharing my thoughts and experiences :)

^Hey totoro, welcome to SPW. This forum has helped me a lot, hope we'll be able to help you too. Feel free to talk to us whenever you want :)


Well-known member
Welcome totoro!
I can relate to you alot,man.
You're definitely not alone...just as it says at the top of the forum! heh


Hi everyone, I'm new here and would like to have friends because I don't have many or close to many due to my conditions. Thanks.


Active member
Hello, I'm not really sure how to introduce myself. I'm Wicked, I'd rather read a book than talk to most people, and I was diagnosed with Avoidant Personality Disorder back in 2007.