A Place to Introduce Yourself


Well-known member
Hiya, I might as well introduce myself even if no one is going to read this. I'm 20 years old and currently waiting to start the next year of uni. I think I've had social anxiety as well as depression from about the age of 14, and it all seems to be getting worse. Sometimes I feel really helpless so I Google things like "Drinking alcohol before doing a presentation" and "Nausea before making a phonecall" and I was always led to this forum though I never joined. Anyway, I want to try and help people and maybe get some support of my own. Especially as I am finding life quite difficult at the moment, and I can no longer hide away at home, I need to get back to uni and think about getting a job in the real world and all of that..

Clark Kent

Hi People! Though I would introduce myself...I am a now 26 year old man from Norway:)

I have suffered from anxiety and SA for basically all of my life(at least the parts I remember).For many years I also suffered from depression and from the age of 10 or 11 all I wanted was for my life to be over. I prayed to God for him to take me back, and I cried myself to sleep most nights.

I was bullied in school for 8 years straight by the boys in my class. They told me I was ugly and useless....and I believed them and I took it. My grades dropped and I gradually became more and more isolated. It did not help that my so-called best friend was the one who treated me the worst. How I survived I will never know...I just somehow never lost hope completly+my mother would never forgive herself if something happened to me.

I am doing slightly better now....the depression is gone, but the SA is still a big problem for me.

Clark Kent

No not really....born i January:) Just said "now 26" since i gave a bit of my history, just to put things in a proper time-frame i guess, sorry about the confusion, no reason to bring me cake at this point;)


Well-known member
I guess I missed this when I first joined, so I'll do it now even though I've been posting on here for a little over a month.

I'm a 24 year old college grad with social anxiety. I've always been shy but I don't think my SA really hit until middle school where it got really bad and continued through high school.

I've never been bullied or picked on though. I'm a pretty big (6'2 190) and athletic guy so I played sports with a lot of the "bullies" growing up, thus I was never really a target. I was just considered to be that really quiet kid who most people never saw outside of school.

I still struggle with SA a lot, though I've gotten a lot better the past couple years. I just started having any kind of contact with women over the past 2 years. First date and kiss at 22 etc etc. The women part (not really being able to approach them) is probably what stresses me out the most about my SA.


Active member
Hello everyone. My name is Shawn, and I'm 20 years old. I was born and raised in Tri-Cities, Washington, and I've had social anxiety since I was around 12. It's got increasingly worse as I've gotten older. I've never had a job, and I still live with my parents. My parents may be losing their house soon, and they're really needing me to get a job and help with the bills. I'm absolutely horrified at the thought of getting a job, or even filling out applications. I feel like my parents understand that I have this disorder, but they don't understand the extent of it. I've been with the same girlfriend for over 4 years.. and while she's talking about marriage, I'm still dreading getting a job. I feel stuck. I found this website recently, and I'm hoping to get advice from people in the same situation as me.

Sorry for such a long introduction, I just needed to get some stuff off my chest.. :D


Hey, just joined here. I'm 23, I live in the U.S., and I've been dealing with really severe SA since I was a kid. Kind of feels like I was just born this way, overly sensitive to a lot of things. It got a lot worse after high school though. I was in therapy for a short time without much success but I'm still trying to work towards managing this condition.

Warrior Poet

Well-known member
Hi im 18 and i am currently on a journey through life trying to better myself as a person and defeat my Social Phobia. I am living in the US of A.


Active member
first post! / hello everyone. i am 26 years old (and feel much too often as if i were only half the age) and (who would have guessed!) have some issues. (i am sure, soon enough i'll start lamenting excessively about the details.) so far, spw seems to be a great place; i'm looking forward to participate. (probably not exactly 'looking forward', but i'm positive i will be able to force myself to not just read. ..)

(i hope these words are saying/conveying what i intended to; english is not my mother tongue, so i have approximately a million uncertanties more about how to express myself.)

oh well. hi!


HI, 25/m who has avoidant personality disorder and bipolar 2. I guess I'm not as nervous about social situations than I am of people getting close to me on the inside. I'm sorry if I seem cold and distant but I warm up to people I know eventually. I can relate to a lot of people here so yeah, nice to meet ya.


New member
Hello everyone. I'm 34 and I'm not sure about what disorder I have. I know I am very much introvert, shy, don't know and don't feel like talking, don't feel comfortable with people, most time I am alone in my room when I'm not working. Still I have some sense of humor. ::eek:: Sorry my english. It's very good to meet you all. Thanks


Well-known member
Hello, everyone. My name is Michael and I recently entered this forum because of love-shyness. I'm 25 years old and I live in Australia. When we're not getting attacked by spiders or snakes, the heat burns us. Not a bad country, though. :)

If anybody has any questions about me, just ask.

Thanks. :)