Hello everyone, my name is Zach.
I was browsing around the internet and I stumbled upon this forum and it has answered so many questions that I've been wondering about myself recently.Just from browsing these forums before joining I have discovered I have SA to a certain extent.
It really sucks having this, because it has affected relationships at home, work, friends, etc... I always thought I was the only one who has this, then I found it is more common then I thought.
It is so nice to have found a place where people understand what you're going through
I was browsing around the internet and I stumbled upon this forum and it has answered so many questions that I've been wondering about myself recently.Just from browsing these forums before joining I have discovered I have SA to a certain extent.
It really sucks having this, because it has affected relationships at home, work, friends, etc... I always thought I was the only one who has this, then I found it is more common then I thought.
It is so nice to have found a place where people understand what you're going through