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Howdy. I am a 25 year old female from the U.S., originally from South America. I have had SA ever since I can remember. At times in my life it has been severe, and I've also suffered from depression, but I feel like in recent years it has gotten better, but it's still pretty bad at times.
I found this website a few days ago and have since been reading peoples' posts and constantly thinking "wow, that sounds just like me!" I am now 200% sure I have SA :
: It's comforting to know that there are so many others out there, but depressing at the same time because I wish no one had to go through this crap. I actually "discovered" I had SA four years ago after I Googled it, and it really depressed me at the time. Then I basically forgot about it, or maybe was in denial, because it sucks to think you have a "mental disorder." No one wants to think of themselves that way.
Recently I have had a lot of time on my hands, so I've been thinking about my past and life in general, and remembered SA again, so decided to research it. For some reason, I sort of don't want to face the fact that I have a problem or deal with it (my usual approach to most problems in life, although I am trying to change that), and I don't want anyone to know. I sort of want to accept it and just leave it there on a shelf. I don't really know if any treatment would be effective and I'm definitely opposed to taking prescription drugs. But even though I deal with my issue daily, I consider myself a fairly happy person, and am grateful for my life and for what I have. It just really sucks because I feel like this thing is holding me back so much and preventing me from really living. I always think of something I read somewhere that asked "Are you living, or just surviving?"
Anyway, sorry for the uber boring introduction. I'm more interesting than this, but I just don't know what else to write right now...
I found this website a few days ago and have since been reading peoples' posts and constantly thinking "wow, that sounds just like me!" I am now 200% sure I have SA :
Recently I have had a lot of time on my hands, so I've been thinking about my past and life in general, and remembered SA again, so decided to research it. For some reason, I sort of don't want to face the fact that I have a problem or deal with it (my usual approach to most problems in life, although I am trying to change that), and I don't want anyone to know. I sort of want to accept it and just leave it there on a shelf. I don't really know if any treatment would be effective and I'm definitely opposed to taking prescription drugs. But even though I deal with my issue daily, I consider myself a fairly happy person, and am grateful for my life and for what I have. It just really sucks because I feel like this thing is holding me back so much and preventing me from really living. I always think of something I read somewhere that asked "Are you living, or just surviving?"
Anyway, sorry for the uber boring introduction. I'm more interesting than this, but I just don't know what else to write right now...