Search results

  1. recluse

    Witty shop/business names

    I find some shop/business names amusing and clever with their word play. Here's some i have encountered - Grate expectations - a fire place/boilers shop Mary's Plaice - Fishmonger Lean on Len - Butcher's shop The Plaice to be - Fish and chip shop Do you have any to share?
  2. recluse

    My latest creation

  3. recluse

    Praised at work today!

    This morning an old lady came up to me when i was standing at the door way of the shop i work in and said that it was a pleasure to see such a pleasant and smiling security guard! She thanked me for being pleasant and told me that every other security guard she has seen in other places has a...
  4. recluse


    Any girls in my area want to date me? I'll make you a spoon i promise! Thought i'd try for the hell of it lol!
  5. recluse

    New spoon!

    Just finished a new spoon.
  6. recluse

    My inabilty to say letters.

    All my life i have been embarassed about telling people my name! Why?......Because there are two damn letters i am unable to pronounce correctly in my name! Almost everyone missunderstands my name when i tell them because i'm like ''bffinfuhueejer''.....Well not exactly lol but it's just cruel...
  7. recluse

    Sweating too much sucks!

    It affects me so much....I feel dirty even though i am hygenic. Whenever i am nervous (which is most of the time) i can feel the sweat drip from my armpits, everyone else will feel cold but i feel hot, my hands are all slippery from the sweat, my feet almost squelch in my shoes......This is from...
  8. recluse

    Rather embarassing problem

    Ummm! Do any other guys have a problem of their Penis shrinking into almost nothing with anxiety? I'm pretty stressed and anxious thinking about the new job and seriously my Penis which is normally average size has shrunk to a tiny little acorn, almost to childlike proportions. This does not...
  9. recluse

    One reason why i still live at home

    If i moved to a new address i'd have to change all my details; Bank, insurence, memberships, driving licence etc! I just can't be arsed to do all that crap and what if i only stayed in the address for a brief period? I'd have to change them all again! Why is life so much hassle?!
  10. recluse

    My latest completed project

    Just finished it yesterday.
  11. recluse

    Starting a new job on Monday

    I got a phone call this morning to tell me i'm starting my new job as a shop security guard on Monday. I'll be going away for 4 days training. I'm so nervous i feel like dry heaving, i hate starting in new places::(:
  12. recluse

    So when i get a new job....

    What then?! I'll be getting more money.......For what!? Big f##king deal! I may as well live in poverty for the rest of my life because money is not going to give me a normal happy life, wtf is the use when all i do is sit in my room every night:confused: you don't need much money if you have no...
  13. recluse

    Something i made

    It's my first ever attempt at making a 'Love spoon'. They are an old tradition of Wales when men would make one for their lover. I don't have proper carving tools so i used a band saw, knife, a drill, a dremmel and some sand paper, i then oiled it using Linseed oil. Please be kind::p:
  14. recluse

    sex dirty?

    Do you see sex as being a dirty thing?
  15. recluse

    Feeling worthless

    I'm not a rapist, paedophile, murderer, pimp, drug dealer, thief......Yet i feel like a worthless piece of crap. Anyone else feel at the bottom rung of the ladder of society despite there being evil people in the world who don't deserve to live?
  16. recluse

    Impossible to get employment!

    Let's face it no one wants to employ a quiet, shy person do they?! Every job description asks for a confident, outgoing person. I applied for a job online a few days ago and the questions asked whether the person can talk to people, be friendly, confident, outgoing and so on. I'm screwed aren't i?
  17. recluse

    Can you talk to your parents about your problems?

    I try to talk to my mother about stuff that bothers me and she gets angry at me and shouts at me to stop complaining. I've got no one to talk to, if my own mother won't listen to my concerns who will?::(:
  18. recluse

    I don't like my dad much

    My dad has never been proud of anything i do. When i was young boy and i had friends from school coming around he'd treat them more like his son's. When i was young i had a bit of problem with my weight, i wasn't massively overweight but i was what you call chubby, My dad and i used to go to...
  19. recluse

    Aggressive charity collector's

    Has anyone had any bad experiences with charity collector's being aggressive, and in your face? It's happened twice to me in the entrance's of supermarkets. On the latest occasion three weeks ago a lady collecting money by the entrance stood within a few inches away from me sort of half blocking...
  20. recluse

    Application form dilemma

    I'm filling in a application form for a job and one question asks for details of any health problems and medication taken for it. Do i be honest and mention my depression/anxiety?