Search results

  1. recluse

    Speech problem when anxious

    When i am anxious i have great difficulty speaking in a clear and comprehendable manner. In important situations like job interviews/phonecalls i try to talk confidently but i end up slurring, mumbling, mixing up words etc. I had to phone a company i'm having a job interview with on Weds to ask...
  2. recluse

    Bitter about being unattractive

    Anyone else bitter over being unattractive? I think a huge part of my depression and social anxiety is being totally unhappy with the way i look. I exercise often and i am in pretty reasonable shape, but i can't find anything about me i think people would find attractive. I pretty much hate...
  3. recluse

    Sheltered upbringing

    I have had what you call a sheltered upbringing and i think it has definately affected my life. I still live in the same house in the countryside and i really like the peace and crime free life. I've had a good upbringing and it has made me into a well mannered and polite person, but on the...
  4. recluse

    I've lost all hope

    I'm probably suffering the worst depression i've ever experienced, Christmas is around the corner yet i couldn't care less. There's no worse time of year than Christmas to be a loner, thinking about all the people with friends having fun. I'm becoming more and more of a shut in/hikkomari...
  5. recluse

    Too un-social to for a relationship

    Is there anyone else simply too un-social for a relationship? I am socially inept, but i also can't be bothered to make aimless conversation. An idea of hell for me is having to phone someone o'r them phone me just for the sake of talking. I also dislike sitting down with people just for the...
  6. recluse


    I'm sorry i have to get things of my chest. I'm typing this with tears in my eyes, and a lump in my throat, my heart feels as though it's made of lead. A girl i had first met in 2008 has told me her true feelings and i can't handle it. She lives abroad so we didn't see each other often. A week...
  7. recluse

    Strange urges/compulsions

    This is something which has been bothering me for so long, but it's only really re-started since just after Christmas. I've had this problem for many years on and off, but it seems to get worse when i am anxious, depressed, or tired. Anyway here goes. Say i am listening to the radio and a song...
  8. recluse

    I'm scared

    I'm going backwards instead of forwards, my social anxiety is getting worse. I can do things like travel alone (recently come back from holiday alone) but social interaction is near impossible. Since around February i have been in a bad mental state; Depression, anxiety, obsessive thoughts...
  9. recluse

    Not good at thinking of exciting things to do

    If i did have a girlfriend i think she would quickly get bored of me as i am not good at thinking of inventive things to do/places to go. I'm also not good at thinking of gifts to buy. I know that women like to be suprised and i fear that i would not be able to provide this to her. The same...
  10. recluse

    Hi, it's been a while

    Hi everyone, it's been a while since i posted on this site since i thought i no longer needed it. Anyway here i am and i just want to vent how i am feeling really. There's a lot of things bothering me and they have been building up inside me for so long; I will be 30 in April and when i think...
  11. recluse

    Sa coming and going

    How come when i have made progress and become fairly ''normal'' and fairly confident i suddenly relapse into my old sa self? Anyone else relapse into sa? I do find that when i am tired my sa seems to come back with a vengeance and I go back to being a quivering wreck of a man.
  12. recluse

    Social when at work

    When at work i am social, friendly, and always smiling....My boss even praised me the other day for being ''helpful and friendly with customers and co workers and that it's good that i am always smiling''.......The truth is as soon as i get home i go back to my withdrawn self and feel sad and...
  13. recluse

    Do you get this feeling?

    It's Sunday night (or whatever your day off is) and you start dreading going to work the next morning again, you feel depressed that you have yet again wasted your days off work when you could have spent it being social/doing fun things/gone to places. You feel as if time is passing you by at...
  14. recluse

    More shy talking to people with my parents

    I've noticed that when i am with my parents i feel much more shy when talking to people we know and when ordering in restaurants etc. When i am alone i feel that there is no one to watch me talk to people, I talk with a little bit more ease to people. I don't know why this is. I just feel...
  15. recluse

    Fear of forgetting things i've learnt

    I've had this fear of forgetting things i've learnt since my final school exams (gcse's) in 1997. At that time when it came to revising things for the final exams i became obsessed with going over things which i deem important to me over and over almost constantly, like for example in an English...
  16. recluse

    Devotion to a relationship

    Do you feel that if you do ever get in a relationship you will not have time to devote to that person? I feel that i've gone for so many years without ever having had a girlfriend that i've become set in my ways. I feel that although i feel lonely, being alone is what only truly feels...
  17. recluse

    Feeling unwanted

    How come all the love interests i have had expect me to say i miss them when they don't say it in return? It seems that i care about people more than they care about me. No wonder people opt to be loners. I have noticed that i have been manipulated a lot by women who are selfish and only care...
  18. recluse

    Downside of having no friends

    I think a downside of having no network of close friends for me is having no one to turn to should i need help. I live with my parents and they'd do anything to help me, for example the amount of times i've borrowed either my mum o'r my dad's car because mine is in the garage o'r whatever to get...
  19. recluse

    I feel awful

    I have constant negative thoughts going around my mind, so much so i can't concentrate. I am constantly thinking ''I have no confidence''...''I have no friends''.....''Why does my life have to be like this?!'' How do i stop the neverending thought loop?::(:
  20. recluse

    I'm completely numb

    I can't laugh, cry, smile, feel love, feel sexual arousal....I'm dead inside. I can't hope of having a conversation as all i have going through my head is negative thought upon negative thought. I see no light at the end of this never ending tunnel. Who will i have after my parents are gone? I...