Search results

  1. recluse

    Are you sometimes nasty and embittered?

    I'm becoming very bitter and i am sometimes nasty, i do things like refuse to smile at people who say hello and another thing i do is i sometimes give short one word answers when people try to converse with me. A lot of the time i'm thinking in my mind ''Get the f away from me!''.....''I'm gonna...
  2. recluse

    The only way i can be sociable is when i am drunk

    It's true. I've just come back from a party for my sister's baby and i got drunk and i actually could talk to people and be humourous and care free, without alcohol i am uptight and not fun to be with. Why can't i be this way without alcohol!::(:
  3. recluse


    I keep complaining that i am lonely yet the more contacts i get online and thus more people to keep in contact with, the more overwhelmed i feel. I know i might sound an ungrateful ba#tard but i think i'm just not used to having people wanting to talk to me. My fingers are getting a good workout...
  4. recluse

    Feel like selling everything i own.

    I feel like selling all of my posessions and moving to somewhere else and start afresh. I'm so sick of having material posessions which i don't even feel i deserve to own, i own two cars because i live at home and have no other payments....But what's the point!? I'd rather live in a sparse...
  5. recluse

    Video i found made me laugh!

    LMAO at this! YouTube - German Fork Lift Safety
  6. recluse

    My sa is getting worse!

    I notice that the more time i have spent being at home unemployed the worse my social anxiety get's::(: I think that being employed forced me out of the house to face people but now i have not much of a reason to leave the house. I'm getting more nervous with people and everytime i face people i...
  7. recluse

    Feel angry and guilty if i miss a workout

    I workout with weights every other day, nothing too serious just to keep in shape, i actually worry that i'm going to miss a day and spoil my routine. Does anyone else get guilty and angry if they miss a workout?
  8. recluse

    Look out for the meteor storm tonight

    I saw it on the news. I just hope the sky will stay clear.
  9. recluse

    Something i found :-(

    I find this very hurtful::(: I Hate Shy People (Its just rude) Some of us make an effort! | Facebook
  10. recluse

    I feel that my one friendship is drifting away

    O'r rather i am pushing her away::(: I used to visit her quite frequently in her home country a two hour flight away. She asked me to come and visit her at Easter but i listened to my own negative inner voice; ''You're ugly, stupid, boring, worthless!'' therefore i made excuses and did not visit...
  11. recluse

    Extrovert trapped in a social phobes body?

    Is anyone here truly happy being alone? I find myself feeling frustrated at being lonely, as if i yearn to be with people. I used to be truly happy being a loner when i was younger but no i'm frustrated because my low self esteem means i avoid people.
  12. recluse

    I'm ill every two weeks!

    Something strange is going on, i'm ill every two weeks without fail! I always get ill for one day and it'd not anything to do with alcohol because i don't even drink on a regular basis. The symptoms are similar to a very bad hangover though; Blurry vision, weakness and whole body trembling...
  13. recluse

    Why am i always ignored?

  14. recluse

    I never make the first move on here

    I mean all my listed friends on here have added me, i've never added anyone to my friends list. It's not because i don't like anyone it's because i feel unworthy. This is pretty much in real life too; I wait for people to invite me to the cinema and stuff, i never initiate anything.
  15. recluse

    I feel retarded

    I can't do maths! Well i can but not quickly in my head. For example when i am paying for something i can't work out quickly in my mind how much change i should be given. I think this is one thing which is holding me back from applying for jobs as a cashier and the such. Every job almost...
  16. recluse

    Frustrated about job search

    All the jobs which are advertised want someone with experience, outgoing personality/good with people, good numerical skills, good telephone skills etc. This means i have no hope of ever finding a job! How the hell am i going to ever get a job without the persona and skills they ask for? I hate...
  17. recluse

    I got another speeding fine and points

    :mad:I just got another speeding fine and three points this morning from the Police. The fine is not bad but the extra 3 point on my licence on top of the 3 i already had means that i can no longer train to be a driving instructor, as the maximum allowed to train is 3. So basically i'm...
  18. recluse

    No interest in social bonding?

    :confused:I have come to realise that i am more than socially anxious...I actually have a hatred of socializing and social enviroments. If i see someone i know o'r someone comes to the house all i'm thinking is ''what the hell do they want? I can't be bothered to talk to them!''.....I realise...
  19. recluse

    Just made a discovery

    Today i was visiting my sister with my parents and grandmother. We were talking about stuff from the past and my sister who's 3 years older than me mentioned that she would do all the talking for me when we were kids. For instance say someone asked my my name my sister would answer before i...
  20. recluse

    I'm devoid of personality!

    I'm so bored i've turned into a dummy devoid of personality...I have no emotions...I don't smile...I have no sense of humour...I'm flat. I just wish i could feel something; Anger, joy, sadness....This is worse than having those emotions. Atleast when i am angry i have passion and motivation. I...