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  1. recluse

    I looked at friends reunited

    Now i feel really shi##y! People who were in school with me married, teachers, lawyers, succesful. Even some of the assholes are married.
  2. recluse

    I'm scared

    So yesterday i went to the job centre for the first time since i lost my job. This is my third time on benefits, the last time being 7 years ago so i had a bit of a shock at how much harsher they are now, for instance i had to take my bank statements and passport as proof whereas before i didn't...
  3. recluse

    Do your parents have a good relationship?

    My parents are more like brother and sister rather than a married couple. I know i shouldn't let it affect me but i can't help it when i live under the same roof, i mean everyday i live with a feeling of dread of what the mood is going to be like in the house. To be honest my dad makes me feel...
  4. recluse

    Anyone from the land of Oz here?

    Just curious.
  5. recluse

    Most awkward cbt session ever!

    So today i had another cbt session, and it was hell! One hour of not knowing what to say to my therapist! My therapist was trying to get me to tell her if i wanted to change my life but my mind is just blank. She told me in a nutshell that the sessions i've been having with her for the past year...
  6. recluse

    Terrified of getting close to people

    Why am i afraid of getting close to people? I can talk more freely with people i don't know as well, for instance my workmates. With my workmates i got on well with them and could have a laugh but whenever i was invited to something which was out of work with them i got really uncomfortable...
  7. recluse

    Lost my job

    I lost my job of 7 years today. Damn credit crunch!
  8. recluse

    Sa fluctuates

    I've come to realise that on some days i am actually free of sa, it could last for a few minutes even a whole day at times. When i get this period of freedom form sa i can converse in a relatively flowing manner and have fun (with people i know quite well).......I am confused as to how my...
  9. recluse

    Feeling as if my therapy is a waste of time

    I've been having cbt sessions for almost a year. My therapist is great, but the problem is that i am reluctant to make changes i.e exposure tasks she suggests i do. I feel that i am going nowhere, and especially as i have to pay for therapy i feel that i also waste money. Does anyone feel that...
  10. recluse

    Depressed, isolated, bored, frustrated

  11. recluse

    Fed up

    I'm fed up of hearing workmates bragging about their sex lives as if it's all a walk in the park.
  12. recluse

    Even my dreams are miserable!

    My dreams have a recurring theme i.e - rejection I keep dreaming that i am rejected by girls mainly. I keep dreaming that the girl i love will reject me and find someone better than me.
  13. recluse

    Heart ache

    I feel as if there's a hand squeezing my heart. I feel terrible::(:
  14. recluse

    Do you still live at home?

    I feel a loser for living at home at almost 28::(: I'm almost embarassed about it, but the truth is i think i'd get lonely in an empty house on my own. Also i'm stuck in a rut where i feel comfortable living at home::o:
  15. recluse


    Happiness can't be brought, true wealth is happiness from within, no matter what the circumstances may be. The key to happiness is to not rely on other people to achieve it, seeking others approval is not the key. One must self approve and respect themself, after all friends may not be there...
  16. recluse

    I hate being shy!!

    I've recently joined a clay shooting club and i went to my third meeting today. I would never have dreamed of joining any club if it wasn't for a family friend who invited me along. Anyway the shooting is going great and i feel that i am doing well considering it's only my third time shooting...
  17. recluse

    Anyone speak Welsh here?

    I know there's some members from Wales i was just wondering. Oes yna rhywun yma yn siarad Cymraeg?
  18. recluse

    Feel like crying

    Does anyone else feel like crying when someone looks at them for too long? There's a supervisor at work and i don't like him because he acts all fake..You know pretending to be overly friendly to me when i know that behind my back he probably takes the piss out of me. I'll be walking past at...
  19. recluse

    My weekend

    Yesterday i did something exciting!..I went clay pigeon shooting for the first time with this man i know, it was great and i shot a few clays. The bad points of yesterday; I felt awkward and shy and whilst everyone else were laughing and joking i felt like statue just pretending to laugh and...
  20. recluse

    How often does your mood change?

    I'm a very moody person, one minute i'll be ecstatic, loving, warm, friendly....Then my mood can flip so i'm irritable, sad, cold, aloof...This occurs several times day! I never have just one mood in a day. Someone commented in the past that i have a split personality and this is true! How...