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  1. 206Raider

    Seeing Old "Friends"

    Well tonight I may hang out with some people I wasn't really cool with when we stopped hanging out and that was over a year ago but we made contact again through Facebook and I'm thinking of going out tonight with them but I feel I may be super anxious becuase I know there is a little animosity...
  2. 206Raider

    Feeling Good, But Now What?

    I'm kind of lost here, I feel good especially after that good meal from KFC, I feel like I can take on the world. I'm applying for jobs but sure if I'm getting anywhere, I'm talking to old friends but not hanging out with them, I'm working out and taking long walks feel good and I'm getting all...
  3. 206Raider

    I Am Broken...

  4. 206Raider

    Dreams are coming true (not in a good way)

    Yeah, so last night I had a terrible dream and everything is falling into place today. It's kind of freaky actually, I didn't believe in all this stuff but I think it's true. My future was foretold it ended with me being arrested for driving under the influence, and I never do that but I bought...
  5. 206Raider

    What Is Your Great Escape?

    For me, I zone out and listen to music or play a video game and reading a good book can work too. I used to just smoke weed everytime I was down or anxiety was too strong, I'm trying not to do that anymore for awhile atleast. So when anxiety is at it's all time high for you and you feel like...
  6. 206Raider

    Feels like I'm starting to get it, and get better!

    Well, even though this week hasn't been all too exciting I finally feel like I'm getting better just as I hoped I would for the new year. I realized, if I work hard, and eat better, clean up after myself and take care of myself and have a different outlook on things in life, things can be...
  7. 206Raider

    Fighting The Negativity?

    So this New Year inspired me to get things done and start really living life again, going back to school again can already be checked off but it doesn't start til March. In the mean time, I'm trying to stay positive but every single day new doubt enters my mind, It's like a tug of war between...
  8. 206Raider

    When at public places, I always feel ready for a fight

    ....Well depends on the place but like the mall is a prime example, there are a lot of stupid people who like to stare and I always tense up and get ready for whatever, my friend felt the same way, I just don't trust people, becuase everyonce in awhile there's some dumbasses who yell **** while...
  9. 206Raider

    Shaping Up To Be One The Worst Days Of My Life

    One Of The Worst Days Of My Life Basically I feel like I'm not shit, everyone is on me about doing something, but today I feel like **** it. I can't get anyone no christmas presents and people are mad becuase they get me stuff, well **** it I don't need anything or want anything I wish I got...
  10. 206Raider

    Feeling Like A Complete Failure

    One of those days, but I was having nightmares all night so I wake up like anxious as hell. My car won't start becuase it's freezing but it doesn't matter I was supposed to go follow-up on a job that I probably wasn't going to get I just get tired of everyone saying I need a job, for myself or...
  11. 206Raider

    Just Venting

    So I started thinking, I don't want to keep going on this dark, lonely path that I'm on and should go back to school becuase 1. I want to get a better job and education and 2. I really got to make some new friends. In high school about 4 years ago I had it all, all the friends and parties I...
  12. 206Raider

    I Can't Get a Job

    Well I can but I don't want to be in Sales. I been feeling positive and been applying at places but I'm not aggressive about it, I feel dumb like I'm hassling these people if I call them constantly about it. If I get an interview I struggle trying to explain why I haven't worked in 6 months, all...
  13. 206Raider

    Got A Bad Feeling About Today

    I'm supposed to meet up with a friend I haven't seen in a couple months today for a party that is going to be full of people I don't know and I'm feeling like I don't really want to do this shit now. I mean anything is better than doing nothing becuase I THINK I will regret it later and then I...
  14. 206Raider

    You Guys Heard Of Kid Cudi?

    Most of this guys music I almost relate to exactly. Here's some songs, ya'll will probably like. YouTube - KID CUDI- MAN ON THE MOON YouTube - Kid CuDi Soundtrack 2 My Life YouTube - Mr.Solo Dolo YouTube - kid cudi-heaven at night *lyrics* YouTube - Kid Cudi - Up Up And Away YouTube...
  15. 206Raider

    How To Keep This High Feeling?

    we'll I've had problems with anxiety forever as some know here but every once in awhile I get this fight inside of me to either die or fight out of this hole I'm in. and over the past few months I've felt like dying and not trying, I lsot all my friends, my sister who I was the closest to my...
  16. 206Raider

    I feel more and more unmotivated as time flys by

    I mean as more time and more time goes by that I'm alone and isolated the more I feel screwed in life, like I'm to the point where I'm unmotivated to do anything. I hardly ever look for work although I desperatly need money beucase every job I've ever had I've hated and my bosses too and the...
  17. 206Raider

    People seem to leave my life everyday

    damn so I got a text message from an old friend who said some stupid people who hardly know me from back in the day said they don't want me to go to a party (which I probably would have declined anyway) becuase they think I'm weird and emotional or something he said. Which I don't care becuase...
  18. 206Raider


    I have a dog that I love to death and take him everywhere with me (he's in my avy) but sometimes I get so depressed becuase my dog is miserable without me from what I hear and just mopes but I feel like a really bad owner becuase I don't take him for a lot walks or anything and he seems...
  19. 206Raider

    I'm Feeling Extremely Departed

    I know a lot of people come here to vent which I do at times, but I truly truly want help. my problem is that I was fine growing up, not picked on had "popular" friends. I guess girls think I'm pretty attractive too. But my friends would always ask "why you so quiet" and since high school and...
  20. 206Raider

    I have to vent, too much stress

    I feel I have to say something becuase I have too much stress but no outlet for it. My sister who was close to me and helped me out all thruout life has become somebody else, I've always came to her rescue in situations becuase we've both had hard lives and she is a semi-alchoholic and bi-polar...