Feels like I'm starting to get it, and get better!


Well-known member
Well, even though this week hasn't been all too exciting I finally feel like I'm getting better just as I hoped I would for the new year. I realized, if I work hard, and eat better, clean up after myself and take care of myself and have a different outlook on things in life, things can be different. You can't be positive all the time but good days and bad days are all psychological.

Everyone here helps out a lot, I "met" a lot of really good people (you all know who you are) that I feel understand me completely which I didn't feel in real life and still don't but I'm working on that. For awhile, I, in a sense, gave up last year and didn't really care about anything at all, myself or where my life is going, I didn't feel anybody else did either. I didn't want to go back to school or get a job but now I am going back to school pretty soon and am focusing on getting a job and I did go to a counselor again for advice and she seems to think I'm on the correct path as well.

Now, I forced myself to change for the year or else my life will continue to be a mess and it's working so far, I mean I was afraid to make a facebook, becuase I thought I would have like 5 friends now I'm getting messages everyday from people I haven't seen in years asking me how I'm doing and how they miss seeing me. I realized I built up this image of myself in my head that's completely false just becuase I'm so unsure of myself sometimes.

There is one person I am especially thankful for having in my life now and if it wasn't for her help and support I may still be in the doldrums. I don't have to say who, some of you already know but she will know! So Thank you! ;)

I want to thank whoever reads this lol, ya'll help me. I will be here to help any of you as well, as I know this is just a good day, and I will still have bad days but I'm gonna try my hardest to have my good ones outweigh the bad and hopefully the bad days are never too bad.
Sounds good G. Keep it up and reach for the stars, cuz aint sh-it holding us back but us. Glad for u man, n keep doin ur thing!!


Well-known member
Yeah man, Thanks! I'm figuring out that, I got a ton to learn still but if I want to make it better I can't depend on anybody else to do it for me. Just take one step at a time and I was the only one holding me back. This year I'm gonna throw myself back into the fire and hope I come out without any burns lol.


Well-known member
That's great to hear and don't feel like you can't make any mistakes along the way. When, I hear certain people say she's doing a lot better, there's some anxiety that statement in itself brings, because it sets an expectation somewhat as well because I know I still don't feel 100% on the inside but the main thing is not to give up despite all the obstacles that may try to stop us. And this time your doing it with a great person in your corner.


Well-known member
Yeah and nobody with SA is ever all the way better in my opinion it's just learning to love what you got. People in general have anxiety, it just that I don't want to let it dictate my life, I expect to have my ups and downs. I just have to stop worrying about when my next down is going to be when I'm happy and enjoy what I have. I think I can do that, one step at a time.