Feeling Good, But Now What?


Well-known member
I'm kind of lost here, I feel good especially after that good meal from KFC, I feel like I can take on the world. I'm applying for jobs but sure if I'm getting anywhere, I'm talking to old friends but not hanging out with them, I'm working out and taking long walks feel good and I'm getting all my greens lol but at the end of the day, I always end up alone with nothing really to do. I mean I got some money I can do whatever I feel like right now but with nobody to do it with what is happiness by yourself? I don't want to wait for school to start to do something everyday that's over a month away. I mean theres only so many video games and books and movies I can watch before I go stir-crazy. I live so far away from most of my old friends and cousin so if I go out it's usually on the weekend. Everyone else is busy during the regular week anyway. What are you supposed to do? Where do you go?.....Lost :confused:

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
do nothing! its an excellent thing to do. i know this sounds dorky but when you do nothing, you create a void, and its like opening up a womb where creativity festers. its like new ideas flood over into the void. if you dont allow for it, then i think the same old thoughts circle around your head over and over like a gold fish, or a broken record and its enough to drive you nuts. at any rate, glad to hear your doing good mr raider!


Well-known member
Haha good idea, I've been writing a lot of things down on paper, ideas, goals, everything. Trying to put my creativity on paper. I don't know I'm just bored at the moment lol. But I don't understand what you mean by do nothing....stare at the wall?

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
being active and doing the whole self improvement things seems overrated. its kind of a kill joy! i think its good to practice being passive and receptive. have you ever been trying to write a term paper and you cant stop thinking about what the darn thesis will be and draw a complete blank and panic about not being able to write the paper. then the second you forget about the paper entirely, a huge idea occurs to you. thats what i mean by doing nothing, if that makes sense!


Well-known member
That actually makes perfect sense, a lot of times I'll have a great idea in my head and when I want to put it down or express it, it disappears. WTF. Yeah that happens to me, my mind wanders off and I'm thinking about all this stuff but when I'm forced I don't think the same.....same thing when I was in art class, I can draw pretty well but when I'm forced to, I just don't know what I want to do.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
or you can draw a map of the universe!

im in the same boat you are, ive had to really come up with ways to amuse myself, since im alone so much! art class went the same for me too, i drew a hell of alot of squash! so much for creativity in that class


Well-known member
I would draw a map on how to get out of the maze of anxiety, I think your supposed to go left, left, right, left, right, right but I took a wrong turn somewhere and I'm walking aimlessly lol.

I could throw an SA party, I'm sure only a select few would show up and we could all look around the room nervously waiting for somebody to spark up a good conversation and I would have every excuse on "why you have to leave" taped to the door when you need to use it and...beer and pizza....yeah