I Am Broken...


First of all, you must catch up the sleep. Sleep it very important, if you lack it contributes a lot to depression and even suicide thoughts.


Well-known member
Something similiar happened to me. Just that i meet her irl later, so it was much harder to forget, took me like 5 months and i am stil not completely ok, i wonder if i ever will be. They say time heals all wounds, i hope so too. I felt same, i was broken, my heart was broken, my whole world broke down, i wished i would be dead.. With time u will get better. What doesnt kill you makes u stronger!


I was ignorant as a laddy, had my heart stomped on by 2 gals. One of them, my friend and I both liked, he had cousins to help him get the girl, i had nothing.... in the end, i got dragged by the shirt crying in the hallway watching the two hug. Embarrassing, yet heartbreaking...
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Well-known member
I'm sorry to hear you're going through this, having your heart broken is one of the worst feelings in the world, all i can say is right now you may feel like it's the end of the world, but given time you will begin to feel better. I know that's no real help for now because it's so hard, but it will get better!


Well-known member
I was ignorant as a laddy, had my heart stomped on by 2 gals. One of them, my friend and I both liked, he had cousins to help him get the girl, i had nothing.... in the end, i got dragged by the shirt crying in the hallway watching the two hug. Embarrassing, yet heartbreaking...

Did your friend know that you liked the girl? If so he is not a very good friend imo


Well-known member
Yes everyone, I just have to say something and some of you know but let's keep names confidential for everyone's happiness but I have to express this...I'm dying inside

So, I've been talking to a certain somebody for about 2 months and it turned my world around, everyday me and this person talked for hours upon hours and had lots of personal conversations, staying up all night. She gave me a certain happiness I haven't felt in a long time. We really connected and I didn't want a Long Distance Relationship but we talked like it and we had hopes that one day this would work.....well it fell apart and it was bad but not the end of the world, she wanted me back a couple days later and I wanted her back so we worked it out but the very next day(today) it fell apart again becuase somebody close to her that she didn't know liked her, expressed his feelings towards her, and well since I'm not physically there, I was going to lose this battle. I know she feels terrible about this and I don't hate her for it, it's just the fact that LDR are way too hard when your not actually there. So now she's gone and I'm left with a broken heart. Can somebody kill me now?

Sorry to hear that buddy. Unfortunately this is some of the risks there are with LDR, did you ever meet up, talking on the phone etc or was it only online?

Did you have an agreement that you had to wait for eachother? If that is the case, dont you feel angry that she did not kept her promise? For me it seems like she has a low selfesteem, if it just needs a person close to her to say he likes her, for her to leave you.


Well-known member
You know I have a lot of emotions, everyone in the book ,anger is definitly one of those. I won't get into all of it though, there is a reason for it but it was a complicated thing of ours we had, but there was some hope there. My feelings just got wrapped up instead of accepting that it was a fantasy that would break. I should have stayed away. When you put your heart into it, theres a million ways it can end bad and only 1 good, I guess you don't know til you try but......f*** my life.


Well-known member
You know I have a lot of emotions, everyone in the book ,anger is definitly one of those. I won't get into all of it though, there is a reason for it but it was a complicated thing of ours we had, but there was some hope there. My feelings just got wrapped up instead of accepting that it was a fantasy that would break. I should have stayed away. When you put your heart into it, theres a million ways it can end bad and only 1 good, I guess you don't know til you try but......f*** my life.

I know this does not help much but everyone has tried to have their heart broken. This is unfortunately a thing in life, you cant do much about. The most important is what you feel about yourself in order to move on.

It is good that you are angry, you does not have to be angry with her all your life, but I think a certain degree of anger can help you in the long run.


Well-known member
The same thing happened to me, and it took me months to get over it, and maybe I'm not even really over it because it sometimes still bothers me. I couldn't accept I was almost everything for her, and then all of a sudden I was just a friend. When she told me happily told me she had kissed a guy she was falling in love with in real life, I literally and physically felt a punch in my stomach.

But we must keep learning, so that our mistakes have not been made in vain. I learned that virtual relationships are just dangerous. If you really like someone online, you should try to meet them in person as soon as possible, that's the truth. Chatting online is like a drug, you kind of live in a dream and it's hard to get back to reality... a dream where the people are real, but not real enough to give you all you really need. We need reality now, not never-ending dreams.
Just try to understand this, and I hope you'll feel less angry.


I'm sure nothing I can say will make you feel any better now, so all I can say is take things one day at a time.