No worries I found a site to watch movies for free so I watch a lot of new stuff often. Yes their other recent doc you mentioned was very different and made them look straight edged as hell. It was even poking fun of them after shows they wouldn't party like you said with the other bands so it was kinda shocking to see them admit to drug use honestly...
Ah, my image of them is ruined now! LOL
But I suppose it is because they will no longer tour live that they are being honest finally?!!
I would love to hear you play the into to Xanadu. I hung out with a pretty good bass player who could play the bass riffs pretty well in that song. That always made me jealous to not be able to play bass

But now I have one and it sits in my storage shed unplayed.
Ha watching them play that song now with the double necks and the crazy awesome clothes and hair.
The best music has been played and is behind us folks. The end of an era-friggin depressing