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  • Love the Pocket Guitar! Jeeze I need to earn to play my bass still. I am wishing so bad I could play. Are you taking lessons or self taught with music? I used to be able to read and play music when i Was younger. I played to viola in my school orchestra for about 3 yrs, then I stopped.
    Omg great shirt! You know people are just a very up tight bunch in general really. I applaud you for pushing their buttons and making them question themselves. Also people are too easy to judge. Humans have very few good qualities imho. Really.
    I suppose a good take away from the doc would be at least he bothered to ask you a question about yourself. They so often don't seem to give a crap about anything but getting you in and out of the room. I had one ask me what I did to relieve stress and I have no answer so he told me to take up exercising. Makes sense I guess, beats drinking lol
    My last doc appt I was terrified cuz it was female issues and to boot it was a man doc so that was Awkward as hell. He actually was the kindest and most careful doc I have ever had.
    Wow so only a few weeks till your surgery? You will be sooooo glad to get that one behind you I know you have been kidding dreading it for a long time. I will be looking out for you and awaiting your posts when you go.
    Okay.Some people get more lethargic come late autumn,winter time due to a lack of sunshine plus I know you mentioned depression.You probably have heard of SAD.Seasonal affective Disorder affects some people get that badlyDo you use any techniques to bring yourself out of a mood spiral.

    I dont mind autumn even though I will miss the longer summer days and sun.I have been going out to find the best autumn colour and have found some gorgeous yellows,reds in changing leaves.I like taking pics of plants,buildings etc on my phone.According to Countryfile,Scotland has some good autumn colours.
    I see some people in wheel chairs on the bus sometimes.Its good that there are more anti discrimination laws protecting the disabled at least in theory.Its alot easier for the disabled to get on and off buses at least,plus there seem to be more lower kerbs around.It looks trickier to get on and off trains though.Whats acess like in public transport and in shops.
    Hi.David Tenant has built a career on playing English charcters so probably he did not give it much thought.He is use to doing an english accent and its probably second nature.He is carving out a nice career for himself on tv and theatre.Not sure if he is interested in the big screen.

    Despite the perception of the US by some as being racist,full of gun nuts and fatties,and there is some truth in that,there is plenty of work if your talented and well contactedIts a huge place with a hunger movie,tv industry fueled by new talent.So thats why so many black and british actors go there for better oppurtunities than here in UK.Despite the UK being perceived as less racist etc,it is quite class ridden tv wise with a very narrow range of actors,performers making it and carving out careers I think
    I have tried getting into the new Doctor Who series,but the violence,death is putting me off.I thought it was suppose to be for family viewing.In the course of the first episode of the series,three people died in the course of 5-10 minutes.Its a shame since the episode was well written etc and good in quite a few ways apart from the violence level.I might watch some episodes in the series that are less violent,

    What do you think about the new doctor.You being a proud scot I imagine you probably like him being Scottish as was David Tennant,as you know.Thinking about it,there are only a few high profile people on tv,in the media and in films from Scotland,Ireland,Wales.Apart from Sean Connery,Euwen Mcgregor,Ruth Jones,Huw Edwards,Rob Brydon,Anthony Hopkins,Shirley Bassey,Tom Jones.Not many Scots and alot of English stars.
    Hi.I do spend quite alot of the time on my own also but I will go out about to experience new things often by myself.Such as when I went to the circus a few months back.In some ways going out by myself and being alone alot means Im free go and to do what I want to do without compromise to make others happy.But sometimes I do wish I could have 1 or 2 more people to socialize with apart from a few people such as my brother.I dont feel like that often though and chatting online to people is nice.Plus I speak to a few people at work, by phone and when Im voluntarying.

    Are you able to get out and about by yourself much or not.I dont know the extent of your mobility issues.
    Hi.I perfer Kate Dunnings,new slimmer look.She is still curvier than the average tv actresses though and I like that about her.Do you know an actress called Christina Henricks.Shes in a show called Ad men.She is a good actress and really curvy.

    Its rare that I get really excited about a new film, tv show to be honest like I did when I was a teen.There are films and comedy shows that I have looked forward to seeing though in the past such as previous Star wars movies,comic book superhero movies,some new comedies by Eddie Murphy when he was still very funny.New series of 8 out of 10 cats,Big Bang theory etc.But I was not excited about them.How about you.The same in regards to most people I meet since only a few of them I connect with on a deep level and can trully enjoy their company.At times I go through the motions when talking with people and Im happier when Im by myself again.

    Do you get what I mean.
    Hi.The only things that move me deeply and really excite me are music,some sporting events,very funny comedy shows,animation,reading brillent fiction,comics,,educational books,,animals and plants.I get pleasure from quite a few films,tv shows,some people, but not real excitement alot of the time.

    Its hard to explain what I mean in regards to feeling really engaged.I guess Im more likely to be excited by things,activities not directly involving people.In person.
    Hi.I perfer Kate Dunnings,new slimmer look.She is still curvier than the average tv actresses though and I like that about her.Do you know an actress called

    Its rare that I get really excited about a new film, tv show to be honest like I did when I was a teen.There are films and comedy shows that I have looked forward to seeing though in the past such as previous Star wars movies,comic book superhero movies,some new comedies by Eddie Murphy when he was still very funny.New series of 8 out of 10 cats,Big Bang theory etc.But I was not excited about them.How about you.The same in regards to most people I meet since only a few of them I connect with on a deep level and can trully enjoy their comedy.At times I go through the motions and Im happier when Im by myself again,
    .Do you get what I mean.
    Hi.Im funny with comedies.If the first or second episode does not hook me in then I tend to not bother watching it anymore.Thats what happened with two broke girls.Maybe I was not in the mood for something new.Im not saying its a bad show and I like the premise of the show.I think Kat Denning is a beautiful curvy woman and a good actress.I like curvy women.

    The Dads Army film is out next year I think.Have you heard about it.
    You mentioned Captain Scarlet and there is an animated series of that too that I enjoyed watching.I love animation so its easier for me to be open to it.

    Nostagia for old shows is fine but there are only so many times you can watch a show you have seen before and still enjoy it.New shows often mean new stories to enjoy.But I guess like you said,a person has to be in the right frame of mine to be open to them.

    I can relate to that since sometimes Im open to new shows and other times the comfort of an old show is nice.Espically when I cant be bothered to get use to new characters etc.

    But the old show has to be one that has faded in my memory so I can enjoy it without knowing whats coming.How about you.

    Im into classic comedy from the 1960s upwards as well as some contemporary shows.I enjoy shows like Dads Army,Hancocks half hour,as well as modern shows like Big Bang theory etc.
    Hi.I have gotten into a bad habit of responding slowly to messages and Im trying to get out of it.I think the Avengers cartoon is one of the best animated series I have ever seen.Good script that teens,adults can enjoy,great animation too.Avengers,along with the Xmen,Fantastic four are great teams.

    I still enjoy watching the original Thunderbirds on dvd and quite a few of them I, seeing for the first time.Its amazing how the stories have not dated despite being decades old.I guess them being set in the future helps.The new Thunderbirds is shown on CITV and itv.Its true to the original series quality wise plus the animation opens up alot more possibilities story wise with fewer limits than the original models.
    I caught some episodes of newer teenage mutant hero turtles series on Itv recently.Have you seen it.I enjoyed it.There have been some very good animated tv series done recently and previously.Avengers,Mr Bean,Agents of SMASH,Ultimate Spiderman and the Thunderbirds.I enjoyed seeing the Thunderbirds new series.Actually I also have some old thunderbirds series on dvd from Amazon along with Dungeons and dragons series that Im watching and enjoying.
    Hi.I made sure to post on your profile this time.I guess the type of surgical options have increased maybe since your last one.Less invasive etc.Its amazing what a skill surgeon can do using advanced equipment.Key hole surgery etc.Will you be going private or using the NHS.I dont know much about the Scotish health system,apart from free prescription.
    Hi.Are you still buying comic series.The last few months I have been buying alot more per week.Due to there being some good comic storylines in back issue comics that I buy.Also found new mini series stories on characters like the Sentry(marvel), the torch(marvel),Hercules(marvel) and Magneto.
    Some of my favourite sayings are :

    ●You cant teach an old dog new tricks,(even though its not quite true I think)
    ●Its always darkiest before the dawn
    ●Two wrongs dont make a right
    ●Time is a great healer
    ●Beauty is only skin deep.

    I have lots more sayings I like and use.
    Some of my favourite sayings are :

    ●You cant teach an old dog new tricks,(even though its not quite true I think)
    ●Its always darkiest before the dawn
    ●Two wrongs dont make a right
    ●Time is a great healer
    ●Beauty is only skin deep.

    I have lots more sayings I like and use.
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