Sometimes great sometimes horrible-I understand that..I quit my "job" early it was sucking the life outta me, plus it was temp seasonal anyways. I am not cut out for a job selling shot glasses and t-shirts to drunk tourists and their 10 babies. SO it's onto better things more suited to me. I gave it a good try though, so I am proud of myself.
That's great you still have your job, even though the social aspects of it sound exhausting from what you have expressed. Hang in there! You can always come here and vent with like-minded folks, which does help a lot.
I always dreamed of being a wildlife biologist and studying animals in the field myself. There was an opening for a wolf biologist here and the pay was pretty decent but I have no paper degree, so I didn't apply.
I would be lost without animals! Hi Lennsters

Bailey says "woof"
Hoping to get some dairy goats soon. They are my new obsession.