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  • Perhaps a bit too real but oh what the hey i take it. i can buy a new shirt any other time.
    Thank You oh so very much!!! Hug reciprocated =)
    haha thanks :>

    how about that project you friend wanted you to join? or any other things you can afford doing now when money is less important then experience? (sorry if i talk nonsense, just hard to imagine how that industry really works ._. so i just say things that apply to what i know lol)
    A big passion of mine is writing, running, and reading (boring i know but i am who i am =) ) If i could figure out my life at the age i am now, im actually not sure that i would. So technically i dont know what i want to do, just to what i want to be happy and make others happy as well. So when will u grace us with some of ur poems? =)
    me, canadian? :> is my english that good :eek:

    and well, every carrier starts slowly from somewhere, doesn't mean you can't enjoy the process ;)
    Hey there, thanx for the add and im glad it made your day...that in way made my day LOL...and yeah never stop doing what makes you feel good, relevant, confortable, like i assume writing poetry is for you. Ill look into your other stuff and tell u what i think =)
    Ah, ha. Magic way with words of mine you seek, yes. Why is that, this one wonders.

    It is sometimes difficult to call upon these words you have so labeled magic words.
    More often they flow without control. Merely I let them be as they will.

    Ah, alas words are words and nothing more. Unless, to the reader, they are made something more. Pure perception.
    thanks. i'm not sure if i came up with it now or it was sitting in subconsciousness from some time i heard that phrase before. hate when it happens, i come up with something but then can't be sure where did it come from.

    and thank you for being supportive :) i really needed it now.
    and graduating at 25 is pretty normal i must say. u still have half of the time to enjoy your career during the 20s :D lol

    ( israel and it's mechanical engineering :9)
    no, this is how thing are in my country. winter semester oct-jan, spring feb-may, summer jul-sept=3 months ;)

    drinking coffee late at night is something should be missed :>

    speaking of lifestyle, didn't you feel like college forced you be more social, and helped in some ways that would never happen if you didn't get through it? it's how i'm starting to feel now anyway.
    and yes,i know what u mean :> this is a long vocation, until something will eventually pull you out of it. and what are you talking about, kids stay kids :) just the game rules change.

    and i hope before i'll turn 27. my stupidity and laziness (well actually, stupidity of being lazy :p) already dragged me in another year...maybe i'm not good for this degree :\
    lol yes, this should be a creative way to deal with lazy cups like me :p
    and both, finals end next month and i also have summer courses to take. feel very busy
    i have a hint of envy for you being a graduate already ;) but you must be missing the studies :D am i right?
    :p Whoa, what about a certain person whose name starts with C? I'm not the only drunk :D
    Well, I thought we'd keep things simple with you being the one with the short black hair and me being the one with the scraggly brown bob like Bono.
    Sorry, mate. Been a dealing with schtuff. Gettin better I think. Hmm, perhaps you would like to look around the interweb for Bushisms instead?
    Hola! I've actually been pretty good, and a tonne more social. Been hanging out a lotttt. Which is something I'm forcing myself to do before skipping provinces!

    And yooooou? How've you been?
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