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  • Hahah, it's pretty good. But noooo, unfortunately I don't get to wear a maid uniform. I wish! But I do get to do the "Housekeepinnnng?" thing sometimes! :p
    I work at a hotel, hah :) housekeeping/laundry. Not tooooo much of a step up, but monies for me!

    And better is good! I'm sure it will keep going in that direction.
    Lemur! I am well! Just recently obtained myself a job! I am now part of the workforce ; )

    And with yourself?! How are thingsss, and you?
    Well ... was I DWI as I entered the QEW toward Niagara Falls? I was flying by at a quickened pace of 120KM per hour around a quite quick and sharp overpass-turn. Faster I could have gone, yes. However, at the speed the white lines passing (DWI mind you) were quite hypnotic.
    I loved..... um. Oh god, what was it called? Oh yeah, The Land That Time Forgot. It was 2010, or 2009, and I saw the poster and thought the story's bound to be bad, but the dinosaur looks pretty bad ass, I'll give it a watch".

    I was wrong. The acting and everything was terrible, and the special effects were as bad, if not worse, than the one made in the 70's. Gr, I wish asylum would get a film right for once. I might go and look at their filmography and laugh my arse off at the blatant plot rip offs.
    'The Trash Can was once a paradise. Your breed made a desert of it, ages ago'. How could I resist not quoting back :D. We have the SyFy channel here, I've seen some of the rip offs. I love how blatantly terrible and unoriginal they are. Oh and the special effects! Damn, can't they make it more realistic in the 21st century? Some of the old fashioned stop motion dinosaurs work better, and they look awful :rolleyes:

    Rant over
    Haha thanks, Lemur. :) I haven't really heard from you in a while. How's life treating you?
    hey :) no kanji actually. Yes. I thought of this today LOL The Comeback..George can deliver :p ‪Jerkstore‬‏ - YouTube
    Hi there.You have an interesting username.How did you decide to call yourself that.Interestingly or maybe not,I dont think I have ever had a Latte or an Expresso.The whole coffee revolution passed me by.Lol.
    Thanks Deus, i might take you up on that very soon. I dont get the literally part though =? about the ears.
    :) Pleased to hear that you at least know the direction! It definitely takes a little time, but as you say, we'll get there eventually, and when we do we will have learnt so much from the struggle as well as strengthened ourselves! *Hugs* Lets hope it is soon! x
    Hey Deuxy! Hmm. Still feeling pretty awful tbh, but just trying to change my approach now and keep faith that if I stay strong and keep trying, things will improve eventually. How about you? Are you seeing that light at the end of the tunnel yet? I hope so! :) x
    i probably shouldn't do this,
    but music replies are fun :D

    YouTube - ‪Can't You Hear My Heartbeat - Herman's Hermits‬‏
    not as much as you sugar pie :>

    YouTube - ‪I Can't Help Myself (Sugar Pie Honey Bunch) - By the Four Tops - Cover by Kevin Patrick Neal‬‏
    San Fran? That's cool.*jealous* now.. Prob the only city I want to visit(Seattle was kinda neat). What a place though full of artists.
    Thanks for the kind words of support Deus Ex! Appreciated :) Hope life is treating you well?
    i've been feeling down lately. withdrawn and quiet. life is at a standstill. (totally my doing.)
    eek. thanks for asking though.
    i've noticed that you haven't been around as much at night. i hope it's for a good reason, but the chattybox misses you. ;)
    how've you been lately?
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