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  • And one of those somebodies is me! I'm trying to feign enthusiasm as best as possible, hahah.
    um, I actually had an an anti virus :/. Things like that aren't always 100% fool proof, especially the free ones. I think what I need to learn to do is routinely back up my stuff.

    I saw that hit, it was pretty bad. But it kind of looked like hits I have seen before, I think it was just really bad luck. In the second game against the Rockies Dexter Folwer collided with the pitched on the plate the the pitcher did a complete flip over Dexter and face/neck planted into the dirt. He is okay though. But Jose De LaRosa is out for the rest of the season, sucks because he was one of our only half decent pictures.
    The Rockies are definitely not helping brighten my mood. I got to watch all four games they played against Arizona. They were all really hard to watch losses. Now we are sooooo far behind you guys! </3
    Lemur!!!! You thought you could escape?

    Ye offspring of serpents, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
    I actually got a virus on my computer and I had to take it in to be fixed. I finally got it back, but they had to clear everything out and restore it from the factory settings because it was so corrupted.
    Oh, wait, scrap that. It works fine today. My server must have been in one of its moods. Jammin' to the pirate song!!
    This is true. We wouldn't want my head exploding all over the carpet. Grey matter is hell to scrub. However, if you ever see fit to honour me with a voocaroo...
    Fuzz, we never finished our conversation :)

    But anywayyysss, hope everything's going well :)
    nope. going over to the other side of the bay. rockridge.
    it's the smallest studio ever. but it's all i need. it's clean, not run down!
    i think my queen bed is going to take up almost all of the living space. ha!
    i'm happy with the place. about as happy as i can be while living within my budget.

    (i'm glad that's settled. i've been in freakout mode for about a week. :p )
    Noooooooo! Aaaaaaah! My baseball life is going down the pooper right now. How dare you guys take first place away from us! *pouts*
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