Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
DOMS - Yes it does hurt - thankfully you only have to go through it once, provided you keep at it.

I have a job interview soon - cool as a cucumber. Then off the waterfront with some anxiety peeps and a swim.

Not necessarily... I suffer with DOMS sometimes when I just increase the amount or the intensity... But otherwise, it is good that I won't suffer with it again... until the next time I have a few weeks off... haha.

Good luck with your interview and have a good time swimming! ^_^


Staff member
The most recent example:

"This is MY country and I can't get tickets for the closing ceremony, I should have priority over those from other countries.
Don't tell me to quieten down - this is just my freedom of speech!!"

Said by a lady in the Olympic Park on Sunday night... an intrinsically GLOBAL event.

She should be first against the wall when the revolution comes!



Well-known member
To some.....person whom i disagreed with, to say the least. I saw you on the way to work.

I couldnt help but notice you had a colorful sign you were holding on the street reflecting your feelings towards our troops....who fight for your right to feel how you do.

All ill say is this.

If you cant stand behind our troops, stand in front.

That is all.


Well-known member
Someone had stolen my phone and my camera. My camera also had a 32GB memory card, in total is $620 give or take.

The last place I've seen it was at Superstore, but I called Superstore, and they didn't have it.

The last time I remeber having my camera and my phone was SUnday afternoon, when I went out. The last place I went to was Superstore. When I go out, I always have my phone ans camera with me. I have my camera in one pocket, and my phone in the other. I was thinking, that I for some reason, took both out while I was reaching for my thing with my cards in it.

I've searched the entire house, and my car and my Mum's car. Not there. The last time I went out, I took my Mum's car. Sometimes I forget my phone and camera in the car, when I go into the house. In the house, it's either on the stairs, or on my table.

My theory is, since I left my Mum's car unlocked, someone had broken in and taken the phone and my camera. There has been a lot of things stolen from cars nearby. It usually people who leave their cars unlocked. Last summer, someone had stolen stuff from like 9 cars (I think) in my subdivision.

At least I got my pictures uploaded and backed up. They have a brand new SAMSUNG ACE Q phone, an Olynpus Tough brand cam, and a 32GB memory card with random pictures of stuff I took while driving (like scenary, dumb drivers etc), my nanopet, and pictures of my car. I will need to buy a new phone this week (again) and another camera. I had the camera for almost a year. I don't think there is anything to identify me, in case the thief wants to see if I have more interesting stuff, like my laptop, my nanopet (which dosen't work right now), my Hunger Games merchandise etc. No doubt the thief is probably reading this now.


Homelessness is in my future....I just know it. :/
This ****'s been on my mind all day.

Yes I sometimes feel that that is what in store for me too.

Homelessness sucks. Its about as low as someone can get. I often wonder why people look at the homeless with such removed dispassion, when it could quite easily happen to them.

Perhaps they are not trying hard enough. Thats probably it.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I think I'll stop my therapy sessions after this week. CBT isn't really working for me. Even though, I had high hopes that it would. ::(:


Well-known member
I really dont know why but I feel very angry and spiteful towards everyone and everything today. I dont enjoy feeling like this but whatever.


Well-known member
My ankle hurts. I had a contusion, but it's been a decent amount of time now. I should see how long they usually last. I'm supposed to get another MRI to see how it's healing. Torn about whether I should skate tomorrow or not. I have a lesson, so I probably will, but.. Ow. <.<


Almost in a car accident today. No - it wasnt my fault, the just pulled out in front of me.
Naturally no apology was made - in fact quite the opposite - complete denial of any responsibility or wrong doing.



Hie yer hence from me heath!
As a disabled person, I don't like the fact I have to cheat the system to get what I want in society nowadays.
I haven't slept.. It's astounding how bad my vision gets when tired. I seriously can't tell the difference between a 9 and a 5 on the screen.