Post your Favorite Quotes!


Well-known member
Well, let me just quote the late, great, Colonel Sanders. He said, "I'm too drunk to taste this chicken."


Well-known member
"Somebody, I don't recall who, once said: 'When you get there, there's no there there.' This applies not only to location in space, but also to time: when you get to the future, you find yourself in the present moment. So the future never comes. Don't let the thought of future (or past) obscure the preciousness of the present moment."

-Eckhart Tolle


Well-known member
Life is a trick cause she kinda sweet
Then go behind your spinal structure cause she sly and weak

I never trust faith with my trust funds

~ Quotes from the songs of Mellowhype
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Well-known member
Look, we've all got something to contribute to this discussion. And I think what you should contribute from now on is silence.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
"..Let's see what kind of service we can get with a smile and a gun." Jim Carrey as Charles Bronson (In Living Color)


Well-known member
“None of us have to go to anyone. And the idea that we do is a mental illness we contracted from breath mint commercials and Sandra Bullock. We can’t keep going to each other until we learn to go to ourselves. Stop making our hatred of ourselves someone else’s job and just stop hating ourselves.”
— Jeff Winger, Community


Well-known member
"This stuff will make you a god damned sexual Tyrannosaurus, just like me"

Blain - Predator :D


Well-known member
"Freedom is not the absence of commitments, but the ability to choose."

"Going to the church doesn't make you a saint any more than standing in an airport makes you an airplane."

"Haters are confused admirers who can't understand why people love you."

"Stop thinking about life and start living."

-Paulo Coelho
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