Recent content by worrywort

  1. worrywort

    How are you feeling?

    I feel very worried. I'm worried about what's happening in the world and I'm also worried about my own situation. I feel very isolated. I had maybe 3 or 4 email friends I occasionally wrote to, but I seem to have lost all of them over the past year. Most I think were because I had a different...
  2. worrywort

    How are you feeling?

    I'm feeling troublingly low at the moment. I feel like I have some severely deep wounds festering within me that I can't seem to get relief from. I feel like I've lost hope in almost every avenue I used to find it in. I used to hope one day I'd find love, but that dream has all but died within...
  3. worrywort

    How are u dealing with the pandemic and lockdowns?

    I'm sorry to hear that. I feel like I might've lost a good friend recently too. It's hard.
  4. worrywort


    At first I thought everyone was overreacting, then I began to think people weren't taking it serious enough, and now I've swung back to feeling like people are going too far again. I think what Trump said about the cure shouldn't be worse than the disease is something I've been thinking about a...
  5. worrywort


    It's a strange kind of threat, it's invisible, so it's hard for people to know quite how to respond appropriately. My feeling is that I think the numbers are about to skyrocket. It's highly contagious and spreading exponentially, and with a vaccine years away, most of us will contract this...
  6. worrywort


    Anyone have any thoughts on the Coronavirus? How are you all responding to it? What do you think's gonna happen next? I can't quite tell how seriously to take it. At first I thought everyone was overreacting, but now I think it's a bit more serious. The good news is that most people seem to...
  7. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks for your honest answer. Yea I think similarly to you on many points. Your last paragraph was interesting. Yea I guess when I say "alone", what I really mean is being seperated from any kind of deep or meaningful bond with another person. Cause I think you're right; there are other ways to...
  8. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks, yea that's true, I do agree that humans are social creatures, and I definitely wouldn't suggest anyone decide overnight to head off to the mountains to be a hermit for the rest of the lives. I don't plan to do this either. But I think it's more a kind of attitude I'm searching for...
  9. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks, yea I think I feel similarly sometimes. It's like the only times I feel lonely are when something or someone points out my solitude to me and suddenly I feel a sense of lack. But usually I don't even think about it. I just feel happy contenting myself with my own work and hobbies etc. It...
  10. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Haha! Yea I've often thought if I were ever in prison I think I'd probably prefer solitary confinement to having to socialise with the other inmates! But yea it's good to hear from people who are fine with solitude. I actually kinda think there isn't really a choice. Because the fundamental...
  11. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks, yea that's a really good point. I think being alone is definitely better than being around the wrong people. I'm sorry to hear you've had to deal with that lesson first hand. That sucks. I hope you're finding ways to make up for lost time and do things you love again.
  12. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks, yea I feel a similar desire, to have at least a small group of people who I can rely on. But as I'm aging I'm finding more and more all the people around me are growing up, moving away, having babies, etc so I'm trying to brace myself for a more isolated future. I suppose I could reach...
  13. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Thanks for the reply. Yea I've had the same thought before too, that it's probably a balancing act, and different people have different balances. Some people spend like 90% of their time around others and can only handle being alone for a small portion of time. I think I'm the opposite.
  14. worrywort

    Is it possible to be happy alone?

    Do we really need others to be happy? Sometimes I come across people who live extremely isolated lives but they seem to be near blissful about it. Especially spiritual teachers and monks and people like that. They talk of just being content in your own skin. Simply being grateful for that, and...
  15. worrywort

    How are you feeling?

    Thanks Miserum, for the reply. It's nice to know I'm not the only one. Yea I can totally understand how easy it is to end up in this place of pushing others away. The world's a crazy place. It takes a brave man (or foolish!) to venture out into it these days. Sometimes it's just safer to keep to...