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  • Btw now that I think about it I'm not sure if you played Deus Ex Human Revolution or not, so maybe you didn't get that reference XD
    Sorry :p
    A chip? ... You're an augmented! I'll just take all of your Neuropozyne and you will be finally defeated!
    Yeah but... everytime someone talks about hugging you, you seem as scary as that girl :p
    Your fault!


    Now let me hug you ::p:
    Even before knowing you were part of the Illuminati I wouldn't mess up with you, as the Internet already warned me

    Do you have an axe?

    Wait... unicorns can't hold axes! Mwahahaaha
    ok :)

    Are you a lot in the house? I mean... Does agoraphic mean you're afraid of ''really getting outside the house and reach a mailbox'' for e.g. or is it just facing social situations? I wonder this^^

    Brave that you had a lot of jobs, never had one. cool !
    especially with agoraphobia, i have respect. I hope I will be brave like you!

    greetz.... sassy
    Ooh, so that's what all that Illuminati thing was about... they were you all the time! :eek:
    Hi Weirdy, I like your new avatar :)
    And I didn't know you were using that unicorn as your profile image haha
    Unicorns will rule the world :cool:
    (What is this everyone change their avatar day?)

    I like the image I get of you, looking at yours. Pretty. Soulful.
    That's okay. In 30 years or so there'll be technology that'll allow us to live forever and I'll just have to wait it out. I think the Sun may explode first or the Earth will collapse but I'll wait! Hahahaha.

    We'll catch up at the edge of the Andromeda galaxy. :)
    Awww sorry. How about a Lemur hug? My fur has teflon like properties and easily is washable so feel free to use it like a Ralph Lauren if you have to; no worries ;)

    ...Heyas :) *chews on her leg* apologies... wanted to see what all the animal buzz was about! :D Be well! GET OUTSIDE! *sends her a ralph lauren handbag for christmas* ;)
    My favorite shows are, what about bob, the grinch the movie,loney guy ,jerk ,these are my favorite shows because I thank they show alot about what my personality. I remember when everybody said I look like the grinch with out the green fury.
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