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  • Weirdy - what was your favorite cartoon? Also did you watch the whole series of Xena from netflix/streaming yet? When you were doing that. I just started the first season streaming. :D I want to throw that disc.
    I just now noticed that to be honest lol
    Yeah there's a striking similarity between you and Devrium an old user here. Look at my friends list
    Ah HA! I finally figured out who you are.
    Bah! I wouldn't dare do that to anyone, let alone you >.<
    Even if I ever reached that point, I would stab myself before anyone else (but of course I couldn't stab anyone else if I'm already dead :rolleyes:)
    But thank you~ :D
    I am sure you know more about yourself then I do XD
    I can never say anything with certainty for me, because my moods and feelings change so often. Give it a day and I'll hate life and people.

    My sisters are like that too! Seriously boys my age like my younger sister over me.

    I've never been in a relationship, so I'm sure once I do I'll stop being so gung-ho about love.
    I'm trying to become asexual, or androgynous, but the former is so much work, huh.
    I'm sorry that experience happened. I can't relate, because 8 years ago I'd be 9, and nine year olds don't fall in love, but I'm sure it sucked. Maybe you'll fall in love again. It can happen to anyone.
    Oh no biggie, I fall in love at least three times a day. Quite bothersome. Sometimes it isn't even with people, but with smells and sounds.
    *is a bit of a hopeless romantic* and are you and love on good terms?
    :( that doesn't sound good.
    Well, have a cybercookie just in case *hands Ms. Weirdy a cybercookie*
    haha, I would've never guess brass+punk=ska but it's neato.
    So....*isn't good at this stuff* how are you?
    Ooh, similar tastes I see:)
    B-but ET doesn't evoke emotion for you? :O
    Just kidding, I don't like party music much either, but there is a special place in my heart for All Time Low. One question, what is ska?
    2D? heheh....mine is most definitly Noodle :p
    Aw, you don't like Cyborg Noodle? O.O
    Nah, I'm glad Noodle is back, what's your favourite album?
    ... out laughing! That was the start of my KH obsession, ever since I have not been able to stop playing them. I am not that bothered about the disney parts though it makes it funny sometimes and it gives you that feeling you got when you were a kid, all excited and good feeling inside at least to me! Oops long message lol, sorry this happens when it comes to things I love! HA I broke the visitor message char limit! OOPS! lol, I will try not to do that again, sorry! :)
    Ah that must of been awesome, I was the only one playing it at the time, I did not start to find people into it until later on, a lot of the time I got them into it too. Most the time I only find people online into it. Most of my friends are too mainstream and love the more popular series such as COD Bleurghh! I hate that lol. Most people I know are not as rpg mad as I am. The moment I heard they where mixing with disney I was like "what??? no way how will that work!" but back then Square were so impressive that I didn't dismiss it in fact I was epicly excited for it lol. I got it for Christmas off my parents, I still remember getting it, paid full price for it and could not wait for Christmas to come lol. Once I got it I could not turn it off. I remember after a few hours the scene with the castle came on where you see Donald and Goofy for the first time and as soon as I heard Donald I just burst...
    Haha, that's a good thing right? :p I do not have the soundtrack though I have played all the games so many times it's enough to be stuck in my head forever and a game I playing now, sometimes in the combat it sounds like Kingdom Hearts! as soon as I complete some more newer games I am going to play the KH games again so no doubt the music shall be in my head again!!

    It's crazy I even like the soft songs like "simple and clean" lol
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