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  • D
    hey, u know italian ? i saw it in your status, where are u from ? i'm still stuggling to learn it
    He ushers you into a tranquil world of happy little clouds and trees. And in like 3 splatters of the brush he has a detailed landscape and I'm all wtf just happened? :confused:

    Almost makes me want to try actually painting.

    Yeah, I did the same post/copy/delete/paste thing no more than a day before you said that. heh.

    Anyway, good to hear you're doing well. I'm OK, too. Thanks!
    Thanks for the invite! I figured I'd post this on your wall this time, instead of being the lazy, impolite narcissist I am and responding on my wall. :)
    Thanks for the friend invite Serafina - I can now see you in the 'before and after makeup pics' thread. You're beautiful with and without makeup!
    haha! thanks chick!! that's wassup :)
    you are definitely a badass, i love it! it's nice seeing genuine people, you can truly understand just about anything and always have great advice! ..which i guess is why you were an awesome choice for a mod! haha :)
    Hey! I've been kind of in a bit of a slump but trying to keep as busy as I can... haven't seen you here as much lately, what have you been up to?
    If you've never watched its always sunny in philidelphia then you wont know what this about so nvm it

    YouTube - Nightman Vs. Dayman
    lol wtf.

    I wonder if the people making these videos realize how many people have ended up lolling at them
    Stupid youtube, its a video of hasseloff being incredibly lame.. his song "jump in my car" and yeah the smell yo dick song is just 100% WTF

    YouTube - I Like Turtles TECHNO REMIX
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