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  • Sounds like you had a good time.

    Absinthe pong sounds like fun, for a little while anyway.It would turn into pass out pong before too long.
    lol We're more like out to fill every emergency room up with alcohol poisoning cases. Yay for Philly and Sera!!!!
    Welcome back from your vacation. Here's some hello kitty wine for you :D

    not if you get your hands on it first there wont be hahahahahaha
    YouTube - Hoagy Carmichael - I'm Getting Married in the Morning (Canyon Passage) our wedding ...
    yea probably :rolleyes: 2 alcoholic's living in the same house is never a very good idea , there would be fights over the last can of booze lol :D
    now lol i was drunk last night :rolleyes: but hmmmm you know what im kind of warming to the idea of getting married to 2 gun annie :D will it be a shot gun wedding lol :eek:
    camel toe clip ? why sarafina there was me thinking you were all innocent , i used to look at you and think hmmm you could put a huge spoon full of butter in that womans mouth and it would never melt :) i mean really camel toe clip :rolleyes: wot you like lol :D
    that is well bad :D
    time for a cold shower for me, i reckon!
    just out of interest, do you fancy joining me :)
    Thanks for your comments about my pets. I don't know if I'll post a pic of myself though. I don't like the idea of my picture being on the internet
    Oh yes, I talked to one of my old friends too. Without going into details It felt really good as it was one of the main causes for my anxiety/depression. Been holding on to anger etc for way tooooooooooo long. So instead on been like a dog with a bone figured it was time to let it all go :) Peaceful
    I've been doing pretty good thanks. Mainly good days but a few bad here and there. Nothing major though so its not worth thinking about. I decided that I'm going to go back to school, something I thought Id never be able to do (high five lol). Feels awesome to know that the only boundaries in life are the ones we set for ourselves :) Feels good to be smashing them down
    Oh and Craic is just Irish slang (maybe even Gaelic) for Fun/news and its pronounced Crack. Nice little lesson for you :) Its fun to learn ;) lol
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