Recent content by sahxox

  1. sahxox

    AVPD I don't get it :(

    Hey guys, I've never officially been diagnosed with anything (need to avoid mental health professionals lol) but fit overwhelming amounts of diagnostic criteria for both social anxiety for the past almost 10 years and even AVPD. I am much better at handling my anxiety... I mask it with...
  2. sahxox

    Does it get easier with age?

    In regards to leading a 'normal' 9-5 life, dealing with all the extra stuff us sa sufferers endure with normal everyday occurences. So does it? :)
  3. sahxox

    Don't let it stop you.

    For years I have hated myself. For no reason other than being quiet. Society tells you it's wrong. That it's bad. Buy honestly, being quiet Is the worst thing I've done to the world. I pay my taxes, I work hard, I certainly haven't killed anyone. Yet I had this voice in my head stopping Me...
  4. sahxox

    One bored introvert.

    Definitely describing a first-world problem here... feel free to leave now ;) I have no real interest in the people around me. Sounds harsh, but feel like no-one really gets me. Living a superficial existence. Makes sp worse, cos it feels wrong to be fake and I tend to retreat. What do you all...
  5. sahxox

    Scared of commitment?

    Ok realised I am scared of commitment... career wise, relationship wise, even staying in the country wise. Lol all these make me claustrophobic. .. Relationship wise: if I like someone, and find out they like me back, I shut down completely and lose attraction. I feel this anxiety right to my...
  6. sahxox

    facebook, likes and friend numbers

    LOL so I don't add everyone I know only got 80 friend or so which is outrageous for an 18yearold in their prime. Gahhh anxious to change profile pic, what'll everyone think of me? >.< who gives an eff really. I can do whatever I want, I'm a human.
  7. sahxox

    "The cost of shyness"

    The Cost of Shyness | Psychology Today
  8. sahxox

    Social anxiety because I'm an introvert?

    Think I may be onto something here :) Always felt different to most people... those who just pull up this enthusiasm in everyday conversation about absolutely nothing. Eager to join in, but timid thoughtful words are often over-ridden by loud expressive and mostly insignificant ones. Man does...
  9. sahxox

    Personality type?

    Take this test guys, it's very interesting. ;) Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory Myer-Brigg's personality theory. Cleared alot up for me, fresh perspective and better understanding of myself. Don't know if this link is the best one, but there's a few out there...
  10. sahxox

    Moving Out to live on base

    Hey guys For anyone that doesn't know I'm 18 finished school and moving out to live on base at the Army. I've never had a full-time job before and understand the demanding requirements of training. I know for a fact there is absolutely nothing for me in staying where I am, at home. Career-wise...
  11. sahxox

    A boring self-centered read.

    Gahh trying to distract myself by hanging with friends and relatives 24/7. DREAD going "home" because homelife is shit, boring,ostracised. Completely isolated. So here I am chilling by myself like every other friggin night here on a forum talking to random people with similiar social anxieties...
  12. sahxox

    Possible to enjoy life despite SA??

    No matter what, we survive. Can someone learn to acutally live with social anxiety? To not be depressed? Enjoy life? I want any stories of experiencing the symptoms of this, but being happy at the same time. Read on for my current example, but a bit lengthy though so feel free to skip. ;)...
  13. sahxox

    Social Anxiety the worst...

    It's unavoidable... society's built on social interaction. It's just weird having this self-doubt/second guessing fogging your judgement and actions. Imagine how great we could be without it.
  14. sahxox

    Resting Bitchy Face?

    Ok I somehow stumbled across a thing known as "Resting Bitchy Face". Lol self-explanatory, it's where your normal face can be mistaken as aggressive/puts people off. I think I may have it and it sucks... adds to anxiety, always trying to over act. It's hard enough being around people all day as...
  15. sahxox

    Not worth defending myself

    Ever feel that you're worthless? Not worth defending your beliefs/actions, so you die inside and become a zombie, bouncing off people and their reactions? No-one else gives a shit. I justify my worthlessness by telling myself I can't perform socially... it's almost a sadistic pride in ditching...