Moving Out to live on base


Well-known member
Hey guys
For anyone that doesn't know I'm 18 finished school and moving out to live on base at the Army.
I've never had a full-time job before and understand the demanding requirements of training.
I know for a fact there is absolutely nothing for me in staying where I am, at home. Career-wise a dead-end, the army's something I've always wanted to do anyway. Socially it's pretty dead and it's not the best environment anyway.
I need to do this and it's only a matter of weeks before I head to basic training.
It's just social phobia I'm worried about. I'll be on my own in a different town somewhere in this country. In one year, I'll have made 4 moves. WOW.
- 3 months at soldier training
- 3 months at job training
- 3 weeks at driving training
- rest of the year posted somewhere randomly (idk yet!)

So many people and stuff. It seems like such a far-fetched challenge from here. The future is a complete blur!!!!!

A bit concerned how I'll handle on my own... moving out for the first time, battling SP, living in close-quarters with people I don't know! :/ scary as!


Well-known member
The Army will make you forget about your SA with all the training you'll be doing. I hope it works out. :)


Well-known member
We are so proud of you for taking such a big step. I dunno about aus boot camps but the ones here are very stressful, but also help you create lifelong friends. We believe in you and know you can do it! If you ever get nervous or anything just know SPW is rooting for ya!


Well-known member
Yeah Sahxox, good luck with it, hope it works out. I can imagine that the close contact with other trainees might be challenging. If things get tough it'd be good to have someone to talk it over with at the base. A counsellor or chaplain.