Personality type?


Well-known member
I've done this several times, I always get ISTJ or INTJ. In those tests that show percentages, the S/N part is always 50/50 or close to it.


Well-known member
INFJ, which is surprising because my major's in IT and I thought I was a logical person. Well, I do believe in supernatural phenomenon, even though there's not much evidence.


Well-known member
I just learnt this in school the other day I was an INTJ which means I am a scientific person and like facts I agree it is a very interesting test


Well-known member
Introvert(100%) iNtuitive(12%) Thinking(25%) Perceiving(33%)

When I took the Myers-Briggs test many, many years ago, my result was more feeling than thinking (INFP one time, INFJ another). I guess people change over time, or maybe it's just a screwy test. :idontknow: