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  • That's one of the reasons I love music- it has such an empact on my emotions. It is the only thing that has gotten me through in life.
    Here are some bands I like:
    Between The Buried And Me, Opeth, Arch Enemy, Be'lakor, Buckethead, The Agonist, Animals As Leaders, Soilwork, The Human Abstract, The Faceless, old Avenged Sevenfold, Dream Theater, Nine Inch Nails, The Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Queens Of The Stone Age, Nirvana, etc.
    I have a year pass so when I go I usually stop in for a few hours since I can come back when ever. My last trip I did look at the animals! I went and saw some Kangaroos and meerkats and tigers.
    Sorry for the late...

    Ah did vote. Got a postal vote since my voting center wasn't local to me. I voted SNP, make of that what ye will. The Tory's still retained their MP for my region.
    Hey :)
    I like to listen to metal, classical, 80's pop, 90's alternative and some of today's stuff aswell.
    How about you?
    Hi, there. I'm afraid I don't really draw or paint any more, I've jumped ship to 3D modelling primarily. The most drawing/digital painting I do these days is for texture work only. ;)
    Hey! I went to Busch Gardens last Saturday! It was a lot of fun! Do you ever go to any parks over in England?
    Aye, it amazing the things people take for granteed, innit? But ye don't how good you've got it until it's gone, as the sayin' goes.

    Though, I do wonder how some of us manage cope from one day to the next? The things an average person wouldnae even think twice about we agonise over.

    That said it's hardly easy for me, having a disability to deal with on top of all the feelings that come with anxiety. Not sayin' that for sympathy, it's just a fact.

    But to me, it just another thing to overcome, or manage to the best of my ability. So we're most definitely survivors. To endure the anxiety and struggles we go through on a daily basis and still continue on, despite it all. In my opinion that takes a lotta strength and determination.
    Hiya Rans

    With regards to yer question about the surgery, I'm kinda both nervous and excited about it.

    Nervous because I'd endure a similar correction surgery when I was 14, which didnae go as well due to not having the rehab planned out in advance, and I was pretty left to do it myself. And I was too young to get the full benefit of having it done. As well as being put a really strong dosage of prescription painkillers which made me huv lucid dreams and hallucinate.

    Also, a year before that surgery, I had a full cast on my right leg because it was suggest that might resolve the issues I was having. It didn't. It just left me worse off, and with a nasty infection on my knee, because the stockinette they put on my leg wasn't thick enough, so the cast was stuck to kneecap the whole time I had it on.

    But, all that aside, I'm aware that this time round the surgery will be different since I know what to expect.
    Also, reminding myself of positive changes to myself have help me with my depression.

    But I can definitely relate to feeling the need to change things up and break from the day to day routine. Though, for me, it's a bit harder given my disability, which is understandable. Couple that with anxiety and it's a buckin' nightmare.

    It doesnae really help matters that my family are always pushing me to do new thing and talk to people when I don't feel up to it. They mean well, though - just wish they'd be more understanding about my anxiety issues rather than constantly saying I'm shy - while that is part of it.

    But y'know what it's like yersel', if yer strugglin' with anxiety, you've got to be in the right mindset before going into a new situation or meeting someone, don't ye?
    I'm hoping to have the surgery at some point this year, but not soon. I'm still waiting for another appointment to look at what walking is like currently - get a better idea of how to proceed with the othopedic surgery.

    I've had 2 consultant appointment with different surgeons, one wasn't too 100% sure what would need to be done and the other said I'd need more surgery than inititally thought - hip rotation or possible replacement on my right side.

    Having the surgery would definitely make a big difference to my walking. I wouldn't be as off-balance, for one thing - like I am at the moment. Plus, the lower-back pain would probably lessen or, possibly, go away completely? Just a matter of wait and see at the moment, really.
    I think F4 might be a little too campy for average viewers. As you can see they made this new one dark o_O

    You know I dont know much about Thor. I like the films because hes a likable guy, but I hear from friends of mine that hes a lot more powerful or something. Im definitely wanting to see Avengers this weekend, but I might wait as I dont like large crowds and it might get a bit rowdy ****.
    I've opted for getting some CD storage briefcases for my CD and decided buy some of those boxes you can make up for all the Total Guitar magazines I bought between the age of 14 to 18 before I decided to tech myself the guitar.

    In terms of throwing stuff away, it usually pieces of paper. Old shopping invoices from stuff I've bought online or old pieces of sheet music, from when I first started playing the guitar. Y'know songs I didnae really like but learnt anyway.

    Stuff that has sentimental value to me... Probably the first guitar and effects pedal I ever bought - does that sound weird? :thinking: :giggle:
    Or any books, albums or movies that have made an impact on me and shaped who I am.

    I'm doing awright, lately. Been taking advantage of the sunny weather & getting out the house more. Going for a wander, getting my legs stronger for when I get that surgery I put on hold 6 years ago to correct some issues with my cerebral palsy.

    Nice chattin' with ya again pal. :thumbup:
    Hiya, Rans.

    Sorry, I never replied to yer last couple of visitor messages.

    I've been really busy and stressed out, these past 3 weeks. Between trying to fix my printer and get my laptop back in working order and trying to make my bedroom less cluttered. I haven't given myself much down time to relax.

    Anyway, hope yer doin' well. :)
    Oh its no problem man, I dont hang out here as much as I used to anyways. Umm I cant say I like the current Avengers movie characters all that much. Except maybe the Hulk. But they tend to tone down the other guys so much its hard for me to get excited about them, like Thor for instance. He's a lot more powerful than they make him look. But as for DC the Flash has been my favorite since they brought Barry Allen back a few years ago. Im not sure how to feel about the New 52 version of him though. I love New 52 Superman however. The armor, no red underwear on the outside, everything lmbo. What do you think of the New Fantastic 4? I see a lot of people are divided on it.
    Oh heck yeah, Im a big comic book geek to be sure. I do watch other movies but the superhero ones are usually the ones Im most excited about. I'm counting down the days until Avengers 2 lol. What made you ask that?
    Hello, well I like to read and write. I also like to watch scary movies (I know weird huh) lol
    So what about you. What do you like to do to relax?
    Tbh the only show I watch right now is The Flash. Ive been really sucked into it lately lol. Hmm, Im not sure I have a favorite author. I jump around a lot with books. Like right now Im reading 1Q84, Clash of Kings and Eisenhorn by Dan Abnett. Have you heard of any of those?
    In terms of electronic ambience, Marconi Union and Solar Fields are ones I listen to often. Another music production company called Two Steps From Hell (TSFH) make music for films and game trailers, sometimes for TV shows as well. Whenever you do see a trailer of some kind, there's a fair chance it's from these guys. The kind of music they do is really varied. Each album they've made usually has a very distinct theme to it. One might be completely focussed on percussion and drums, another with a calm, dreamy electronic feel, then others with a horror vibe with shrieking string instruments.
    Absolutely! If anyone tried to tell me that I'm too old for animation I think I'd bop them on the nose.
    Hmm well as of currently I'm in love with the two animes Black Butler and Kamisama Kiss. Then there's MLP FIM, Gravity Falls, Over the Garden Wall. As for movies it's a never ending list :D How about you?
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