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  • sorry man, i had my settings disable visitor messaging. i fixed it now. thanks for the reply. hope you are well :)
    Ironic, that a shy boy like you doesn't mind getting up on a stage in front of legions of screaming fans.

    Still, Mal's shy too, as apparently are a lot of actors.
    I'll give metal this: it can be good live, since it's so high energy.

    My brother's wife loves going to watch him play gigs, even though she's not much into metal either. But she gets all warm thinking, "Yeah, that's ma man."

    Hope you rock tomorrow night.
    hey thanks for the kind words and support :) i'm still a bit too scared to pm folks, but i might just take you up on the offer some day.
    You can be though. All you have to do is show the ladies the personality you display here. You're gonna fall and get hurt, but, if you can stand back up, you'll find that "special someone".
    I'm going to quote a page and you'll understand then:

    saishoudoukin is a Japanese term for living with one's wife and mistress at the same time

    Or, in particular, just living with your lover and your "lover". Doth thou comprehend the picture now *nudge nudge*?
    Drum lessons, awesome! How's that going?

    (Oh, and it's okay to cry in therapy. Really. Cathartic. Embarrassing if you're going anywhere afterwards, admittedly.)
    I noticed that Shell has some growing real estate I wish I lived there really nice area. I don't know if you've been to Albion Park before or not it's basically divided by the ultra violent bogans on one side and the responsible catholics on the other, lucky for me I live on the catholic side which starts on the street with the catholic and christian churches but sometimes the bogans cross over past midnight they're real noisy just last year I heard a girl scream at someone saying I cant believe you raped me he said you don't even know who did it without a care and she said wait till my brother finds out.

    These people are scary ::(:
    I just noticed you reached 1,000 posts. Nice. Congrats... I think, ha. It was a nice number, so I had to comment.

    Hope you are doing well.
    Last time I went to the square they had just built a cinema complex there next to it I saw Ali it was a long time ago I couldn't believe the ticket prices but it was new is it still there? how is it ?

    The Shellharbours Workers Club has always just been called Shelley's as a nickname lol
    If conversation lapses and I'm starting to panic, I try to... breathe. Relax. If still nothing comes to mind, I go for distraction: getting more water, asking for the desert menu, going to the bathroom. That can snap me out of it. And I sometimes prepare lists of questions I can ask if the going gets tough.

    But even now I can fall into "I don't know what to say" mode, and it's hard to get out of. Too self-referential, probably. It's worst in groups.
    Awww man, this is why I never give advice. I hope you're okay about all that.

    And I think we all feel awkward about awkward silences.
    What about Shelly's do you go there much ? lots of bands and events, even clubbing. I missed out on a lot of good times there. What does it look like now ? lol.
    Ha, work. I'm still trying to summon up the courage to post my career disaster story.

    But therapy provided a vent. I only wish I'd sought it out sooner.
    I avoid people when I'm down (well, even more than usual) because I don't want to infect them with my downness. And at work I felt "in the closet" about my depression, and put enormous energy into masking it.

    It makes me so sad that there is so much suffering in the world. But it is nice to find fellow sufferers because they understand.
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