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  • I'm so sorry to hear things have been bad. And I wouldn't have guessed, you always sound so upbeat.

    So if you ever want to scream and shout to someone who might understand, I'll always be willing to listen.
    Chronic depressive here too.

    But wanting to help others, that's such an admirable outlook. Most people can't see beyond their own pain.
    I don't know what you're like in person, but here you're wonderfully warm and welcoming. It's a pleasure to be around you.
    yeah - it's nerve-wracking for anyone their first time - stick with it, it should get better
    I just wanted to say that I always wonder which Simpsons character you're going to be next, it keeps me entertained :) (It's my favourite programme!) x
    Mean drumming... I can always appreciate a good drummer. You have some mad skills. Just thought I would let you know...
    Something similar happened to me haha
    I didn't want to tell them because I was afraid, but then my mother knew and she was happy for me =D
    I'm glad it went well :)
    My parents already know, I couldn't do it alone. Maybe if you tell them they'll give you support and things will be easier :)
    You should be proud of yourself :)
    I'm happy for you :D
    Hope the appointment goes well! I have mine for next week *fingers crossed* hahah
    Hey, I just read what you did today! I'm glad you went to the doctor, first step is always very hard, congratulations! :)
    Thanks! I'm trying to do the best I can but for some reason I'm finding it hard to concentrate. Good luck with therapy, hope it helps you :)
    I'm okay, just a little busy right now with tests. I'm sorry to hear you're constantly feeling down Mikey, is everything alright? I hope you feel better :)
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