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  • Yeah, I know the feeling, I've been going through the same for last few days, glad to know you're feeling better and thanks ^_^
    Exams are seldom enjoyable :D
    I hate sitting there for several hours and feeling like everyone has their eyes on me all the time. Makes it hard to concentrate but what can you do. Not fun being so paranoid.
    Hey Mikey, I read that you're not feeling too well lately. What's wrong? I hope you cheer up :)
    When I saw dark red merge with purple it did it very slowly colliding like two tiny planets making pure black, it's like I had tuned into another more unique dimension. The black was placed in me I could feel it too, it showed me on purpose how it wasn't about its other characteristics that are really just trapped in its depth, instead it showed that it was primarily about the "self end" and mimics the mest.
    Oh, right! For a second there I forgot you lived in Australia.
    I'm doing alright, it's 0:40am and I'm doing my school work and having an exam week at school ^^
    I've written "clips" of different story arcs and I think I've gotten the ending set. I've got 3 main characters and I'm working on some of the others. I'm not sure how many are going to be in the main team, but I think I'm going to shoot for no less than 5 and no more than 10. Each character is going to have a story arc concentrated on their back story (I think), but, since two members of the team are extremely important to the plot, I think I'm going to tease the "reader" with their backstories. Show them enough so that they want more, but not enough that they can figure it out on their own. However, I'm not confident that I can do that.
    Well, I derived the story from a series called Hidan no Aria. I don't really like the series, the main character annoys me for starters, but I did like the premise.
    > You can express your feelings and opinions quite fluently

    The result of too much therapy, probably.

    I hope today treats you better than yesterday.
    i'm still struggling with life i'm afraid. but it's good to know someone else cares. wish i had someone in real life to whine to :p it would make a bi difference
    Thank you! But, the thing I'm worried about, is how realistic are my uses of the elements going to be? Can I create an ability for an element and still have it obey the rules they're bound to in the real life?
    The story is about Kai, who has chosen to undertake all of the elements, and the misadventures that befall him. He is taunted for his choice by all of his peers except for a girl named Kalika and they become friends; however, he does get other friends later on. They face a conspiracy against the world where someone wants to rule the world (or not. I'm still working on that.).
    In one story that I've come up with, there is an academy (or not. I'm still working that out) set up in different areas of the world where one can learn to use the elements of the world. Think of it as something similar to Hogwarts. You choose the elements that you want to learn; you can pick one or you can go the whole 5 miles and pick every element. The elements of choice are: fire, water, earth, wind, and lightning. The school is operated based on a rank system: you attend class and train, then, once you feel ready, you apply to move forward to your next rank. If you fail, then you have to try again later. As you move higher in rank, your lessons become more in-depth; for example, for a fire-user, the first rank would teach them how to conjure fire, while, in the 3rd or 4th rank, you'd learn how to "fire" that fire. At the 3rd rank or higher, the school allows you to take up jobs/assignments and use your power outside. There are other achievements, but I'll tell you on another day.
    You're so warm and caring on here. I do hope you use some of that warmth and care to look after yourself. You deserve it.

    Sleep well!
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