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  • Is that what you believe that I'll do? I promise you I will never toss you to the wayside; you're far too important to me to hurt. But, if you want to know the honest truth (which I'm sure you do), sometimes even I confuse myself when I say those things. Sometimes, I know I'm just flirting with you, but other times, there seems to be a bit more to what I say that sweet nothings. You've already rejected me once, so, don't worry, I'll keep my emotions in check.
    A friendship, huh? I wonder, does my heart ache a little bit each time I hear you say that? I'm too emotionally detached, so who knows what I'm feeling right now. A girl that's a friend; wow, I don't think I've ever really had those before. So, you're my first, huh? Although, part of me believes that I shouldn't be admitting my deepest secrets towards you. Why do I feel the need to do so then?
    Interesting conversation? In what way are our conversations interesting? All it's comprised of is me making some cheesy line towards you and then you nullify or reject it. If that's interesting to you, then so be it, but please explain to me.
    Do you enjoy the "calm, sensible me" or the "skirt-chasing me" Malice? I'm curious as to which side you are more willing to talk to.
    Things are actually doing pretty darn good. Better than usual
    Yes! YES! You're that hideous! ..........(Just kidding)
    You've been gone for, what, 22 days? 22 days with no internet? I would have died. Twice.

    Anyway, I've been good. I suppose. And I am now very suspicious.
    Hmm, well, I am hard-headed, but it can be said that I believe that you are worth me investing 110% and not giving up;).
    Maybe so, but I want you Malice;). You can try to deter me all you want, but my heart belongs to you:cool:.

    Well, would you change your mind if I stopped?
    Thank god for private messages or else I'd be lost! Anyway, you don't want me see you at your most beautiful? I knew it! You do value my opinion higher than most;)! Why can't you just admit your feelings and be done with it? It's not hard; I told you how I felt about you and now I deserve a honest response, don't you think::p:?
    Maaaaalllllice! Where are you????
    I was searching for "Alice in Wonderland" on Netflix and saw a movie called "Malice in Wonderland." It made me think of you. :) Have you seen/heard of it?
    Hey Malice, why'd you take off that picture of you with the glasses? I liked that picture! Well, more than the rest anyway:)! I demand that you put that picture back up so that I may admire your beautiful, glasses-wearing face;)! Or send it to me through PM:rolleyes:!
    Oh wait, I posted this in my visitor message thingy, whoops (in the event that you saw it and decided not to respond, feel free to ignore this message)
    "O snaps, you should stay in california, and we should go for coffee =D"
    hey check this out...!!

    English speaking is not like rice plate never not post by Duman thapa - YouTube
    hey tnkz for addng me ..!!.. btw u look so damn cute...!! :cool:(i dont flrt):)
    It had nothing to do with you, I promise. This is just something that arose within me, brought about by my own emotions. Unfortunately, you were just taken along for the ride. You have done absolutely nothing wrong, so trust me, alright:D? Just trust me to face this pain and come back with a smile, alright? In fact, I believe this had a long time coming; my heart never felt so devastated prior to this. With this pain, I can say that I'm one step closer to regaining my humanity; you've awakened another part of my heart long since locked away and for that you have my gratitude:).
    No, it's not your fault. Something just awoke within me; for some reason, it feels like someone just grabbed my heart and tore it to shreds. It'll pass, don't worry. You go out there and snag yourself a lucky one, alright? I can be so stupid and hurtful sometimes; I'm sorry for screwing around with your emotions. That was a heartless thing to do and nothing I can ever say or do can take it back.
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