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  • No, I don't::p:. When I want something, I become extremely hard-headed and determined in my path to get it. Your heart is my target and no one/nothing escapes the crosshairs of the Deadman, so prepare yourself;)! Now, why is it that I feel like I'm starting to sound like coyote when I talk with you:D?

    I have to schedule a meeting to decide what classes I am going to take next semester.
    Rawr! But, you're right; I shouldn't have called you my wife. We have to ease into that, right? How about we settle for being my girlfriend::p:? Then, as we communicate and get closer and you realize your feelings for me, then we can meet up IRL and we can live happily ever after;)!

    I'm good. I have to do some things for school, but that shouldn't take a long time (with help).
    Awww, Malice! You want to be my friend? I'm happy; I want to be your friend too! I'm one step closer to you and one step closer to making you my wife;)! Thank you for the friend invite!

    So, do you feel any better?
    It was a web design class. The professor's native language isn't English, and all the information is better explained somewhere on the internet anyway. I didn't miss much.
    Well then, all's well that end's well, right? I don't think I've ever made a girl happy before and I know I've never made anyone cry tears of joy before, so this is a first for me. I'd hug you right now if I could, but I can't. So, *virtual hugs*! I'm glad you feel better!
    No, thank you. Let's help everyone here and ourselves out of this darkness and then we can see some real light:).
    What you said touched my heart a bit; on one hand, I hate that I made a girl cry, but, on the other hand, I made you cry out of happiness (I think) so that makes things a bit better. I'm glad that I could make you happy (again, I think), Malice.
    We've all got some evil in us, but that doesn't make us a bad person. Someone taught me that. I thought that just because I was a selfish people and had attention w**re tendencies sometimes that I was a bad person. They helped me to "accept it," for lack of a better word. It would take a truly unforgivable act for me to take back everything I've said about you, but, from the feelings I sense in your words, you aren't capable of it.
    You may have bad qualities, but your good qualities outshine them. We'll be your light when yours runs out, so trust us. Can I trust you to be my light when mine runs out?
    Lmfao, you're gonna end up turning into a gun toting vigilante if you keep reading and watching stuff about people getting tortured :p
    What makes you say that? You're a nice person with whom I really enjoy talking. You have so many great qualities about you; you may not notice them, but everyone on SPW does and so do I. Don't downplay your importance; I'm going to be here, right by your side, to remind you, as much as you need, that everything I've said about you is true until you finally learn and understand it yourself, alright?
    Or do I not flatter you enough;)? You know you love it when I make your heart skip a beat and add a little color to your face:cool:!
    I do and that's exactly why I want you to be mine::eek::! I love it when you hurt me and I don't know what I'd do if you couldn't hurt me and then nurse me back to health with your love:D!
    Why do you always play with my heart, Malice? Just because I'm a guy doesn't mean that I don't have feelings that can't get hurt::p:.
    Hmm, yeah, have heard of people like that. Only do they care when they need something.

    You, your mom, strong individuals is what I see here. Let the others be. Assist them only when it will appease your mood, bring your mood to positivity. Ultimately don't give into their demands.

    Your family does not have to be blood relation. Your family is whomever you are closest with. Whomever you can be you with. And without thought of repercussions or rejections.

    Your mom, perhaps? A great friend, maybe? Maybe both? Family?

    Honestly I don't know how I do it either. I merely do a hand stand and let the words fall where they may. Fall from my mind. Of course not. ::p:

    Stay bright, stay you, hold on to positive things, people and ideas. Most of all be unlike me and smile :) often.
    The dreadfully straining and taxing family. They seem to be number one at causing mischief to our otherwise stalemated, balanced personalities. Where we fall upon the negatory side effects of frustration, anger and annoyance.

    We love them nonetheless, however. We should anyway.

    Gah, pah, hm, I think I am fine. I have not been around as I am not needed to be around.

    Murderous tendencies you say ::p: Ensure to go with style.

    Silly old you. No no no no no. Tsk tsk. You can be silly, should be silly keeps happy with you all times. Old you are not. Your road is a long one. I think you'll handle things to come just fine.
    Usually I'd sale a game after I beat it but that one was a keeper. I liked the platforming the most, though the story confused me. Btw if you haven't played it already you should try Castlevania Lords of Shadow. Thats my favorite game of all time. I'd marry that game were it possible :p
    You never answered my question. Im hurt >.<;
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