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  • Uh, why would you want to do that? But don't worry; I'll stop now. I'll leave you to whoever you choose. I'm done flirting with you now.
    You should watch what you say to me; those words made my heart skip a beat::eek::. Now, I want you even more! I LOVE it when a girl has a feisty side to her::p:! You WILL be mine, I promise! And I never break my promises!
    I love it when a girl plays hard to get; you're just making this all the more fun, Malice::p: Just submit to your feelings, my love:rolleyes:!
    Sweet nothings will get you everywhere, Malice;). Now why don't you just say, "I really do like you Deadman! I was lying when I told you I wanted to be just friends with you; I was just afraid that you would reject me!"? I won't reject your love for me, I swear::p:.
    Well, whatever helps you to better yourself. Don't worry; you didn't sound offensive in your posts. I'll be your best friend forever, alright? I won't ever leave you behind, I swear. You'll get better, I promise, and I'll be there to help in any way I can.

    So, you're rejecting me, huh? Wow, is this what rejection feels like? It hurts less than I thought it would, but, then again, I don't feel much of anything these days. Well, I'm glad that I got that off my chest and happy that you gave me a response. Thank you for the compliment though, but if only females knew that the truth is the exact opposite. I don't have much to give; I can't give her a happy future, comfort, or a happy life overall. You're the one who guys should be lining themselves up at your door for.
    We, of SPW, love you, so focus only on those that do love you. Everyone else can just bite you for all you care; they don't have any power over your life and you shouldn't let them. Life's too short to worry about the haters.

    Well, to sate your curiousity a bit, I do feel some level of attraction towards you. How much? Well, that remains to be seen. I will admit that you are very pretty, but your personality is really what attracts me to you; you seem so nice and caring and strong. You have a good and respectable mind on your shoulders. But, you probably wouldn't like me like that anyway; in fact, why am I telling you my feelings for you again? This usually doesn't end well for me.
    You are not unlovable; you have friends and family that love you, so I just blew that argument a HUGE hole!

    Am I hinting at something? I never said that I liked you "in that way" (then again, I never said I didn't;)); all I've said is "what do you think?". Maybe you're overanalyzing things; maybe you want me to have those kinds of feelings for you. Oh well, only I know the answers and I won't tell you unless you tell me:cool:!
    Too late; my male brain is already done analyzing and interpreting it as it wishes::p:. It has interpreted your actions as that worthy of a tsundere.
    I say "love" as just any form of affection, romantic or otherwise. Well, if you're anything like your posts indicate of you, then, yeah, I could imagine myself falling for someone like you. Now, have I fallen for you? Well, what do you think;)? Also, what have I told you about minimizing yourself?
    The fact that you did it just now proves something. What it is, I don't need to say;), now do I? Thank you for doing that, anyway! Also, told you that you would look prettier!
    I only flirt with you because I love you (and because it's fun), now which reason do you believe to be the dominant one:cool:?
    You wear glasses, Malice? How come I don't any pictures of you with them? I'm tempted to say something flirtatious to you like, "Why don't you send me a picture of you with them on? I think that you would look much more prettier with glasses on;)." Oops, just did::p:!
    You know that I love flirting with you, right?
    Yes, I kind of did expect you to send me a picture of you blushing and why beat around the bush? When I want something, I become very direct and to-the-point (as you can see::p:).

    What are you going to do with me, you ask? Well, you can promise me that your heart will belong to me since my heart already belongs to you:eek::cool:.

    Thanks for the cheer of confidence! I'll probably need a lot more of those in the future, so, in addition to being my future partner, you're going to be my cheerleader, okay;)?
    As soon as you admit that you have romantic feelings for a skirt-chaser, I'll stop making you blush (probably). Besides, it's cute when a girl blushes, so why would I ever want to stop::p:? In fact, part of me hopes that you'll refuse to give in! Send me a picture of you blushing one day; I'll set it as my computer's wallpaper, that way, your beautiful face will be the first thing and last thing I see;).

    Yeah, when I can get confidence in my writing and the skills to extend my stories, I'll get it published (maybe). But, that's why I want to sign up for some writing classes.
    I suppose I can refrain from feeling crappy, just this once, simply because you told me to. And I guess I'll just forget that you ever threatened to kill me so many times (still no hugs though, can't risk it).
    Well, thou wilst learn to hold thyself in a higher light, for I will be thine teacher and guide thee:rolleyes:! Glad I could make you happy! You're more pretty when you smile;). Man, I keep on flirting with you, don't I::p:?

    Well, in one of my stories, I basically have an avatar of myself as the main character and, as the story progresses, he becomes less anxious and stand-offish towards people. I guess you can say he's meant to demonstrate to me and everyone else how to get through SA (of course this is a fiction piece, so some things you may not be able to do::p:).
    Well, I understand your apprehension towards an online relationship. That's why I said one day in the future, we'd meet in real life. I'm not going to rush or push you into anything, so don't worry. Also, quit minimizing yourself; you're a woman any guy would be lucky to have and, based on the personality I sense in our conversations, I'd love to go out with a girl like you. You're all I could ask for out of a significant other::eek::!

    Yeah, I guess you could say that I like to write; my English teacher says that I'm a pretty good writer and she wants me to get a major in English. I like to come up with stories in my head. I was thinking about getting a double major with Psychology and English, but I would have to talk with my advisor about it (which I plan on doing).
    Well, you're going to make some man the luckiest man in the world to have such a wonderful girlfriend/wife::eek::; it's just that I want to be that lucky man, if you'll have me. It's nice that you want to help me though, thank you!

    I'm probably going to finish my general requirements and then continue working towards my major. Although, it would be nice to get into some writing classes.
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