I want to isolate myself, not totally, but almost, from everybody. No, almost everybody. Just live some place in the country with a bunch of land and Mountain Dew and crap, away from other folks, where I can do basically whatever I want (maybe blow things up once in a while) and disregard popular opinion. I'd be kind of a hermit, and only interact with people when I want to.
I'd think, experiment, try things, learn, and whatever else, in a place where it could only affect me.
Kinda sounds like I'd be giving in to anxiety and such, but not really. Anxiety or not, I generally don't like interacting with most people. They expect too much small-talk.
I think you'd have to know me to really understand what I'm getting at and (more importantly) why.
Most likely, though, I'll just be a regular, geeky programmer guy, writing database queries for some company that vastly underpays me.