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  • Ohh thank you for your comment on the picture :D
    About the diet, it's funny you're the second person to ask me about that... I guess bacterias sending chemicals to the brain rings a bell :idontknow: Well there is a lot of studies about this, and I tried the diet and it worked for me to decrease depression, AvPd and SA symptoms, as well as derealisation. Here's a website that explains the science behind the diet: Science Behind the Diet - Breaking the Vicious Cycle
    You will find information about the diet as well on the same website. If you have depression problems and you want to try it I'll be glad to give you ideas about what to eat etc. :)
    :) There were several, 2-3 replies, in "Why are you depressed at the moment" and another "Why I am afraid to ask women out"... I do not post often here, but have remembered your positive attitude! All the best
    Hey, thanks for your post 2 weeks ago, sorry I'm a bit slow. How's your situation going? Looking for a job and still planning on moving out of your home? My job's going well, thankfully enough. I hope I can keep at it. The days that I don't work feel kind of lonely and depressed though and I can't get much work done. I'm a massive procrastinator still (I suspect I have ADD). But atleast I have income now and I'm making other positive changes in my life, like not avoiding people and eating healthy and exercising. So it's better then before! Good luck.
    Well yeah, considering. Look at a nudibranch.. they perk me up for some reason.
    How's the medicine treating you? and what do you do when you're feeling like mud
    *Regarding your pm, sounds good! I started a list and have been knocking off tasks little by little. It seems some of us members move forward simultaneously.
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