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  • I might, but thank you. Oh and thanks for the comment, though I don't look like a leadinging lady of anything.
    Oh I totally understand how you feel, fearful is a understatement. I'm still stuck in the same routine. I know there's a huge chance that if I succomed to the depression again, I wouldnt be lucky to make it through it again. Thats not me being dramitic, just ''deadly'' truthfull. But think positive! Positive!
    I trying to remember it. As you said easier said than done, huh.
    Well its great that you're managing, doing something positive and being preventative. I think its harder trying to move on and live life after a bout of depression, then in actually is to be suffering. For me though what makes it even more difficult is not knowing if I'm going to relapse. But I am happy for you:)
    Nope never, I have been on a few dates, but that doesn't count. To be honest, I don't know if I want to put myself out there. Not sure if I'd use online dating, either. I'm just not sure.
    Hi there, thanks for the comments! You seem nice as well and bring a positive energy to the forum :) My week is going pretty well, hope yours is too!
    Thank you for that! It does frustrate me to no end though, being said Im boring. Im not a loud person, nor really quiet, but when I do speak I try to make what I say worth while. Obvisously I've failed. I know just how cruel family can be, sadly.
    How are you anyway? From you're reccent threads it seems you're a bit stressed. (Have I over stepped a mark by saying that?)
    WOW! I really wish I was innovative enough to develop a web business, and only work for pretty much 10-15 minutes! The man has it MADE! Ty for sharing :)
    No problemo! :) always glad to make new friends! I sure hope it'll be successful - both challenging and rewarding!
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