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  • can't call her a friend yet.. but I'll remain hopeful. Fearful I will come off as boring or not "energetic" enough. Thank you
    I love R&B!! oh, and MoTown. I will listen to almost anything, though. I love guitar and flamenco and traditional classical guitar is great. (if i get flustered my typing goes out the window.
    this is a first for me, ever. i have never posted my pic of myself. so thank you for the kind compliment. (blushing)
    American is better, because i dont think it is quite as cruel as the British, i could be wrong, just my impression. What kinds of music do you listen to?
    i over analyze too. which office? British or american? Big Bang Theory... I love that show! :)
    Hi, thank you for your post. The problem is I have majored in just about everything to find out what really motivates me. Years have gone by now and the remainder choices are very slim. I love bio, but I just can’t stop my mind from going blank on the test. However I get great grades on the quizzes.
    LOL. That's cool, shopping like a boss :) I like that!

    Oh, a combo drink I've concocted up is this: (and tastes yummy to me tummy)
    3 cut up oranges (no rinds of course)
    about 3-4 ounces of coconut milk
    about an ounce or 2 of lemon juice
    about an ounce or 2 of aloe vera juice
    and add honey to taste
    Blend real good and enjoy!

    sounds kinda gross, but it tastes so good and refreshing!
    Right, I've heard a few things about GABA both good and negative, but so far, I've had no bad experiences...as I knock on wood, lol.
    L-Theanine, I've taken along with Passionflower and Valerian (combo) and it seems to take slight edge off. But as far as tolerance and withdrawals re: gaba vs. L-Theanine, I'd agree with you, the L-Theanine seems to be the safer choice.
    you are not going to believe this but i am fairly panicked by trying to sit and type out thank yous to all of the very kind people who befriended me. its only online, no eye contact! i guess i gotto go get me a paperbag and breathe... oh, what kind of comedies do you watch?
    Whoa! Congrats! it takes a lot of effort (at least for me) to go out in public when I'm especially hyped-up like that. Good for you. Yes, it does feel good when others seem to take notice in ya, doesn't it?

    hmm, hadn't thought of it that way, like the brain chemistry needed to be readjusted. Interesting...

    I am looking into something called Picamilion to see if that would help any regarding the neurotransmitters/brain chemistry. I've been taking GABA and it seems to take the edge off since I am slowly trying to ween myself off the anti-depressants.
    oh jeez I know. Yes, paralyzing is a great way and about the only way to describe it. Believe me...I do understand that feeling all too well. Wonder why we have that 'impending doom/dread/fear and feel so paralyzed?
    Thanks! I like the children's book idea—which is strange, since I don't like children—but I'm not sure what the happy ending could be. The dog runs back and bites them, maybe? Hmm . . . I may need to think on that a bit.
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